Target Trump: Use of Police State Tactics Is Un-American

Never in American history has a sitting president (and his family) been hounded with unfounded criminal investigations as has President Trump.  While still a candidate, the Democrats and their propaganda arm in the mainstream media brought forth the scurrilous charge of Russian collusion with not a shred of evidence to support their charge.  It's a fishing expedition in search of a crime.

Not a week goes by without a new revelation of an alleged meeting between members of President Trump's cabinet or family members with perceived Russian agents. General Michael Flynn, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and now Ivanka Trump whose security clearance is now being challenged have all been accused of collusion. That and the recent announcement by appointed Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller of his intent to broaden the investigation into Trump's businesses is symptomatic of tactics used by police states to threaten their opposition into compliance, surrender or removal.  It is un-American and a danger to our Republic.

Last June, Fusion GPS, a Washington firm that specializes in opposition research for the Democratic Party hired Christopher Steele, a former M16 British spy to create a fake dossier to hurt Trump's candidacy and his Presidency. The plot was paid for by a reported Hillary Clinton backer.  Although the dossier was unverified, John McCain, a vocal critic of President Trump, brought the unverified dossier to the United States and gave it to the FBI.  Fusion then released the unverified dossier to the press and they along with Democratic operatives have been using it ever since to continue to harm the Trump administration.

In a similar effort, a plot was concocted to ensnarl Donald Trump, Jr. in a Trump Russia narrative through an arranged meeting between him and Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya.  Veselnitskaya was a paid Russian lobbyist, photographed at anti-Trump rallies and photographed sitting in the front row, behind the U.S. ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul,at a House Foreign Affairs Committee just five days after her meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. last June.  It should be noted that McFaul was a frequent guest on NBC and MSNBC during the 2016 campaign and after the election discussing the Russian conspiracy narrative. 

The meeting between Donald Trump, Jr. and Veselnitskaya was arranged by Rob Goldstone who, too, is associated with Fusion GPS.  Although her visa had expired, it is unclear why the Obama administration granted her permission to remain here.  It raises the possibility the meeting was a set up by the deep state to justify the FISA warrant used by the Obama administration to spy on the Trump team 

What we do know is that Gen. Flynn's conversation with the Russian ambassador was illegally recorded by the Obama administration which routinely spied on the new incoming administration and the new president.  The unmasking of that conversation was then illegally leaked to the press.  The leaker has yet to be identified, but it is widely perceived that holdovers from the Obama administration are leaking like a sieve classified information within a highly politicized Justice Department and Intelligence Community created during Obama's eight year reign. 

The entire Russian collusion affair stinks to high heaven.  There is no smoking gun to justify an independent counsel.  Nada!  Yet, Robert Mueller, best buddies with fired FBI director James Comey, who admittedly leaked classified information to ensure a special prosecutor would be appointed is now extending his investigation to include the Trump Organization.

Mueller as a former FBI director purged all anti-terrorism training material at the request of the Council on American Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing trial here in the United States.  In 2007 Mueller met with CAIR and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), both Muslim Brotherhood front groups here in America and he caved in to their demands to purge material they deemed offensive to Muslims.

Today he is stacking his staff with former Clinton donors who are in search for a smoking gun which will lead to the removal of President Trump from office.  This witch hunt could not take place without a complicit Republican Establishment in control of the House and Senate.

Instead of Democrats standing together in front of news cameras with continuous new charges against President Trump, why are we not instead witnessing McConnell and Ryan center stage asking for an investigation into Obama's collusion with the Iranians or for spying on the Trump transition team? Why are Republicans not calling for an investigation into John Podesta's ties to Russia or into Comey's leaks while head of the FBI, or into Clinton's sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia which led to substantial kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation?

Why are Republicans silent about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's secret meeting with Bill Clinton while Hillary was being investigated by the FBI or why Lynch asked Comey not to call it an "investigation", but instead to call it a "matter"? Why is there no call for an investigation between the Clinton campaign and Ukraine?  Why is there no call for an investigation into the corrupt Clinton Foundation? The silence of the Republican House and Senate in the face of evidence of real corruption speaks volumes about a spineless failing GOP.

Police State tactics are commonplace in authoritarian Third World dictatorships, but not in the United States, a country once governed by laws and not men.  Unfortunately, the left and their cohorts in the Democratic Party have become a criminal enterprise which poses an existential threat to our liberty and to our Republic.  They must be stopped!

Shari Goodman is an educator, activist, and journalist.  Her articles have appeared in American Thinker, World Net Daily, Israel Today and other publications.

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