Mr. President, You Have the Right to Remain Silent

We've all heard the Miranda rights, the spiel cops rattle off to bad guys as they cart them off to jail:

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney.  If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

For the snowflakes, these rights weren't ripped from a Law and Order script, and it's not a get-out-of-jail card for the bad guys.

These protections are enshrined in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, amendments to protect American citizens from government abuse, from persecution.  Rich or poor, black or white, we're all equal under the law – unless you're Donald Trump. 

President Trump apparently relinquished his Constitutional rights when he won the election.  His only right now is to remain silent in the face of an aggressive, public coup d'état.  

The president is accused of conspiring with Russia to win the 2016 election, though no specific crime is identified, and his accusers remain anonymous. 

Yet these elusive charges and amorphous sources warrant congressional investigations, score a recusal by the president's attorney general, cost the president his National Security Agency (NSA) director, and personally destroy the lives of many of the president's friends and campaign staff – investigations, recusals, firings all contingent on an unspecified crime by anonymous sources.

Everything about these nebulous charges from nameless sources reeks of a police state, the very abuses the framers sought to avoid with the Bill of Rights.

In point of fact, there is no crime, no charge, no malfeasance – just a Democrat-initiated rumor that's ballooned into accusations, hearings, and investigations. 

But hey: no crime, no evidence, no problem.  Appoint a special counsel.

Enter Super-Mueller, faster than a FISA warrant, more powerful than Congress, able to leap the Constitution in a single bound. 

Super-Mueller has no boundaries.  He subpoenas Trump's business dealings since his first lemonade stand, questions anyone who ever bumped into Trump in an elevator, finds every note Trump ever scribbled on a matchbook cover, all in search of a crime. 

And there go President Trump's 4th Amendment rights.

Even if Mueller fails to incriminate the president, this foray into lawlessness is extremely dangerous.  Whether this special prosecutor's team violate the letter of the law or the spirit, they're shredding the Constitution in their march to tyranny.

Evidence is surfacing of a politically weaponized intelligence agency that infringed on Trump's constitutional rights long before Mueller came on the scene.  The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, planted operatives to ensnare members of Trump's campaign (Russian setup), and used the fictitious Trump dossier to get warrants to legally spy on the Trump campaign. 

Add Super-Mueller to the mix, and we have an unrecognizable America, a country run by despots, where individual liberty is a historical reference, where our major source of news is a  government-run tabloid (no offense to tabloids), where a new crime family (government, intelligence, media) demands loyalty, punishes dissension.

And now we finally get the long awaited, much anticipated inspector general's report.  Only  Horowitz, instead of recommending prosecution, does his James Comey gaslighting impression: lists Hillary's crimes, identifies FBI misconduct, exposes treasonous texts from within the agency, then wraps up saying not really, don't believe all that stuff he wrote, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 

So now we anxiously await the second I.G. report.  That one will be the bombshell, the proof that finally brings prosecutions. 

Line by line, these people erase the Constitution, abrogate our laws, each infringement more serious, more threatening to liberty than the last.  Yet all we do is complain and wait for the next big boom, hope for a hero to swoop in and save our republic.

Ronald Reagan understood the swamp creatures, acknowledged citizens trapped in the quagmire of hope. 

To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will.

We're feeding the crocodile, standing by as an out-of-control government tests limits, pushes farther with each breach.  Obamacare, a law consistently opposed by majorities yet shoved down our throat.  The IRS targeting political opponents, another "can't happen here" moment.  The Iran deal, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Paris Climate Accord, DACA amnesty.  All of these acts were and are opposed by the American people or circumventing Congress, yet all passed and were implemented.

We are not helpless; we proved that in the 2016 election.  But that was one battle.  We're still at war.

But what do we do?  The left rigs many elections, has courts that redraw districts to favor Democrats, fights voter integrity laws, had a sitting President (Obama) encourage illegals to vote,  leaves Soros-owned voting machines in 16 states.  Yes, we can try to vote them out, but what if we don't?  Losing elections shouldn't mean surrendering the republic, yet in this political standoff it does.

So is it time for pitchforks and torches?  No, but neither should we stand down, learn to live with corruption, with treason.  We can't breathe a sigh of relief if Mueller fails to produce an impeachable offense and then cower and wait for the next salvo. 

Our republic is in peril.  The Washington cabal will batter liberty's barriers until it breaks them down, until it achieves totalitarianism.  Mueller's failure to frame the president doesn't stop the attacks, only slows the offensive.  Unless they are stopped, unless they're once again bound by the Constitution, they will march to victory, will succeed in overturning our constitutional republic.  It's up to the American people to stop tyrants when our government fails us.

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." –Abraham Lincoln

American patriots need a show of force to shock and awe Washington with our numbers, our commitment to the Constitution, and our duty to protect our country. 

As the ship's skipper taught his young crew in White Squall: "If we don't have [law and] order, we have nothing.  Where we go one, we go all." 

If this government can strip the most powerful man in the world of his constitutional rights, frame him for a crime he didn't commit, then we're next – not if, but when. 

Then, like President Trump, we'll have just one right: the right to remain silent.

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