The Left Achieves Perfection

Leftists have achieved perfection, and for once not only in their own minds.  Yes – for the first time, modern leftists have managed to be perfectly wrong on every single issue. 

Let's just look at some major issues where one would think that any decent human being would get the right answer.

#MeToo: All good people agree that real sexual harassment when someone uses power or force to coerce someone else to do something sexual is bad.  Yet starting with Bill Clinton, the left has declared that sexual harassment is not bad if it's practiced by people who are sufficiently leftist.

The recent "awakening" by leftists is not a sign that their beliefs have changed.  The reality is that they view the #MeToo movement as a way to attack Trump, so they're willing to sacrifice a few pawns, like Weinstein, in order to strike at Trump.

The lack of sincerity can be seen by the fact that Bill Clinton is still treated with kid gloves.  He may be chided, not viciously attacked, about Lewinsky, but the claims of rape from Juanita Broaddrick are never mentioned.

The fact that both Woody Allen, who's been accused of child molestation, and Roman Polanski, who was convicted of raping a teenager, are suffering only the slightest of condemnation also shows that the left is not really concerned about sexual harassment.

Free Speech: The concept of free speech is central to America's definition of itself and to the health of our political system.  Everyone other than the most extreme Nazis and communists has agreed that people should be able to express their views, so long as they don't call for violence, without fear of reprisal.

But now the left has declared that "hate" speech – generally defined as anything the left doesn't like – is not in fact protected.  If someone says big government is bad, the left says not only that that person shouldn't be allowed to speak, but that it's okay for groups like Antifa to use physical violence to stop that person from speaking.

You know that the left opposes free speech when colleges, run by leftists in general, establish "free speech zones" and declare that any speech that the left finds odious is banned everywhere else.  Similarly, Google fired a competent engineer because he posted, in an area designated by Google for employees to express their opinions, that the reason that Google doesn't have more female programmers is that women are less likely to want to be a programmer than men are.

The idea of leftist P.C. speech codes is an affront to the idea of free speech.

Racism: One of the great advances in America in the last 100 years has been the development of a near universal consensus that all people, no matter what their skin color, are equally good and that hating someone because of his race is intrinsically bad.

Yet the left continually declares that whites, all whites except the leftists themselves, are evil.  Leftists push for segregated graduations for blacks while proclaiming that they aren't racists.  When racist blacks condemn all whites for being white, the left applauds.

At its core, the modern left is extremely racist.  To the left, blacks exist to vote for leftist candidates.  The technique that the left has embraced to ensure that blacks vote for them is to keep blacks poorly educated, in constant fear, and dependent on the government for their next meal.  Essentially, the modern left has created a new plantation system where taxpayers pay for the needs of blacks.

If a black person tries to leave the left's ideological plantation, he is vilified.  Compare what leftists say about Justice Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Candace Owens to what those same leftists say were unbearable racist slurs about Obama, and it's clear that unless blacks toe the leftist line, blacks are hated by the left.

Notice too that leftists spent a great deal of time lying about the "hands up don't shoot" and Zimmerman cases.  While leftists say their moral outrage over black criminals being shot in self-defense shows that they aren't racist it actually does just the opposite.  In those cases, the sad deaths of blacks could be used to further the left's anti-police, anti-gun agenda.  But those same leftists are completely silent about the shootings of thousands of blacks in Democrat-run cities like Chicago.  While conservatives demand effective change in Chicago because they care about blacks, leftists respond by pushing gun control, which has been shown not to work after decades of trying.

Leftists use blacks to push the leftist agenda of disarming the people while doing nothing to actually make black neighborhoods safer. 

We even see leftists saying that allowing inner-city blacks to choose the school their children go to, thereby giving them a chance of a decent education, is racist.  The reason the left really opposes school choice is that it will hurt the grossly overpaid teacher unions, and the last thing leftists want are well educated blacks who can question leftist propaganda and actually get the job skills they need to be self-sufficient; every independent black is a danger to the leftists' lust for power.

The Rule of Law: One of the great strengths of America is that it has always tried to be a nation of laws that everyone must follow or be punished.  Modern leftists believe that there are some people who are above the law and that the law can be applied differently to those whom the left likes and those whom the left dislikes.

The left, for example, believes that because Antifa is supposedly fighting fascism, it's okay for them to break the law and use violence to shut down speech its people don't like.

The left thinks it's okay for Hillary to break the law and grossly mishandle highly classified data while a sailor who took some personal photos where he shouldn't is thrown in the brig.

The left thinks Trump Jr. talking to a Russian about dirt on Hillary is a crime, but that Hillary paying a Brit who probably paid Russians for dirt on Trump and then using that dirt during the campaign is okay.

The left thinks that the government spying on the Trump campaign to "protect" him, though it never told Trump there was a problem, is fine, but a failed burglary at the DNC headquarters was the crime of the century.

The left condemns Dinesh D'Souza for violating campaign finance laws, but those same leftists are not bothered by the fact that Rosie O'Donnell violated the same law to a much greater extent than D'Souza did and is not in jail.

The list is nearly literally endless.  Rarely does a day pass when some new example of leftist hypocrisy on the rule of law doesn't arise.

Freedom of Religion: To people of faith, there is nothing more important than being able to live life as they believe God wants them to, from Muslims and Jews who refuse to eat or serve pork to Christians who gladly serve gays but who won't serve gay "weddings."  Our Constitution declares that we can all live our faiths – a belief shared by civilized persons.  Yet leftists declare that all must bow to leftist morality and their faith-based view of the world.

The modern left is completely intolerant of any moral belief that they don't embrace.  They are as bad as, if not worse, than state religions like the Church of England a few hundred years ago.

Whenever someone tells you that the left is good at nothing, please correct them and remind them that the left is insanely good at being wrong.

You can read more of Tom's rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.

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