Why Hillary Won't Run...Again

Third time's the charm, right?  Certainly not in Hillary's case.  While the media pundits and bookies speculate whether or not she'll run a third time for the White House, I'm fairly certain that Ms. Clinton is finished in politics.  She forfeited her best chance at occupying the Oval Office when she acquiesced to the upstart black man from Chicago – consigned to the sidelines, waiting her turn.  As a consolation prize, she served as Obama's secretary of state, which did nothing to enhance her résumé.  Far from it.  To her detriment, she also grossly misjudged a formidable opponent in 2016.  Should she decide to go all in, Hillary Clinton will have even larger obstacles to overcome in 2020: her failing health, a non-compliant DNC, and the knowledge that Donald Trump has gained access to intelligence agency reports and records.

For starters, Hillary Clinton doesn't look good.  More importantly, the media optics since the election in 2016 haven't been kind.  She continues to stumble and fall.  As happened during the campaign, intrepid photographers caught her falling down a steep set of stairs in India.  At the beginning of summer, she appeared in public on several occasions smothered in heavy coats and voluminous scarves in an unconvincing attempt to conceal the back brace she was wearing.  It's anyone's guess why she was trussed up in metal.  Maybe she fell down...again.

Hillary's most recent decision to wear the dining room tablecloth wasn't a smart fashion choice.  Not only was the polka-dot tablecloth hideous, but her ruffled coif, the noticeably droopy bags under her eyes, and gray skin tones weren't flattering, either.  Whether it's her failing health, large quantities of alcohol consumption, or inability to walk without falling down, Hillary is in no physical shape for yet another grueling two-year campaign.

If her poor health isn't enough to finally squash the still elusive quest for the White House keys, Hillary Clinton has no friends left at the Democrat National Committee.  Committee chairman Tom Perez fired a warning shot across the Clinton bow when he stated that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the fresh young face of the Democratic Party.  In plain speak, Perez telegraphed a hard to misinterpret message for Ms. Clinton:  you're old, washed up, and unelectable – so just go away.  Despite the fact that Ocasio-Cortez is a Democrat in name only, the rising tide of Marxist-socialists of the liberal party (to which Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has self-identified), won't go along to get along in 2020.  And absent are the Clinton-enablers, such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz; who jerry-rigged the Democrat primaries in Hillary's favor.  It's highly doubtful that Mr. Perez would be quite as accommodating, but then again – buckets of ill gotten Clinton cash are tempting.  

I predict that Bernie Sanders will give it another go, announcing his presidential aspiration shortly after the November midterms.  Ocasio-Cortez dovetails quite nicely into Bernie's Socialist Utopian dream.  If Bernie is able to fend off the gaggle of "wannabe" presidential candidates, to include outliers such as Tom Steyer, Eric Holder, Jerry Brown, and Dwayne Johnson (yes, the movie star), in addition to Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and perhaps even Al Gore, he'll formally engage the services of Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old former bartender, whose fresh young face will soften his own geriatric visage.  Keep in mind that the man is almost 80.

This brings me to the linchpin that probably ended any hope of a third Clinton campaign.  Private Citizen Trump didn't have access to U.S. intelligence reports or preserved records.  Prior to his inauguration, few people realized the depth of criminal conspiracy to discredit Trump, prevent his election, and perhaps overthrow his legitimacy.  It's not far-fetched to believe that in retaliation, President Trump (with the help of his attorneys) have collected a damning dossier on Clinton's nefarious crimes.  In short, he now has the necessary ammunition to spoil any future White House dreams which Clinton may still harbor.  And finally, I believe there's light at the end of the tunnel: while the Mueller fishing expedition drags on ad nauseam, the complexity and complicity of  lawbreaking by Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators embedded at the FBI, DOJ, and CIA becomes more apparent as each day passes.  And I wouldn't put it past Vladimir Putin to have handed Donald Trump a thumb drive of her "missing 30,000 emails."

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