Trump Falls for the 'Criminal Justice Reform' Hoax

Trump has swallowed the Criminal Justice Reform Hoax, hook, line, and sinker.  Something he never did in the primaries but now is embracing.

The latest embrazo came earlier this month, when black pastors came to the White House to make their case: too many black people are in prison for no reason whatsoever, other than white racism.

That was followed up by some black activists who told the same story of prison and white racism.

Then, finally, just a few days ago, the president met with the governors, who have made a career of staying out of the way when they see a freight train like Criminal Justice Reform and racism coming right at them.

Criminal Justice Reform is the brainchild of some Obama acolytes who convinced an entire generation of Democrats, reporters, activists, and other fools that prisons are full of innocent black people who should be released immediately – black people who never should have been arrested in the first place because "crime is the new black entitlement."

That's why so many football players, even in preseason, are kneeling and fist-pumping: white racism and racist police are keeping the brothas down.

How else can we explain black violence and criminality so wildly out of proportion?  Black people are either the perps or the victims.  If they didn't do it, that means white racism did it, institutional or otherwise.

Trump is hardly the first Republican to fall for the greatest lie of our generation, the hoax of black victimization.  At one time or another, 15 of the 17 candidates for the Republican nomination for president – none more enthusiastic than Rand Paul – said they were down with the cause, too.

Only Trump and Ted Cruz refused to take the bait.  That was then; this is now.  Today, Trump's son-in-law Jared and his most unlikely ally Van Jones are pushing Criminal Justice Reform through every nook and cranny in the White House: "If only we could give them more free stuff and look the other way during more criminal activity," that should do it, right?

As if this has not been tried – and failed – a million different times in a million different places.

But for all the talk with bishops and activists and elected officials, there are two groups that are curiously absent from all this jibber-jabber about white racism and black prisons: cops and the victims of all the crimes that, apparently, we are supposed to believe never really happened.

Or if they did, white people deserved them, or white people did it, too.  So what's the big deal?

All over the country, cops in cities big and small will tell you their bosses at police headquarters and city halls just have no appetite for arresting black people.  In Baltimore, when "room to destroy" (former) mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake was inaugurated six years ago, she issued the battle cry of the Criminal Justice Reformers: "We are not going to arrest our way out of this mess."

Within one year, arrests in Baltimore went from 100,000 to 50,000 per year.  Today, that number is 29,000.

Arrests are down, but in Baltimore, even the new mayor has said many times that crime is out of control there.  Violent crime.  And the people who run that Chocolate City are in full agreement about the cause: black people are victims of relentless, relentless white racism.

In Baltimore, some white people have an expectation of safety in their neighborhoods.  That's white privilege, say black activists, with more than a hint of scorn.

And this is not just Baltimore: arresting and jailing fewer black people is the official and unofficial policy in hundreds of cities throughout the country.  Just ask a cop.

Or the victims.  Or, if they are dead, ask their families.  In Philadelphia earlier this month, a black person was arrested and charged with murder after stabbing a white businessman in the back.  The perp's bishop and family were in the streets, claiming that the white businessman provoked the black man to stab him.

The new Soros-Black Lives Matter district attorney quickly agreed and reduced charges to manslaughter.

The killer is now at home, under house arrest.  His pastor, after congratulating him on his new freedom, said he and his congregation were so happy, they were "celebrating."

Curious sentiment for the bishop of a killer.  (Check out the celebration here.)

But it's one that has found a new home at the White House.  And a new president – with a goofy son-in-law who has even goofier friends – named Trump.

Colin Flaherty is the author of that scintillating bestseller, Don't Make the Black Kids Angry, where he documents the enormous black-on-white violence directed at cops, like the kind you see in this video by clicking here.

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