Remarks on the Mueller Report

I wrote a book about the Mueller report — before the report was published.  The published report shows that I have overestimated the Mueller team.

The report is a completely one-sided accusation against Trump, like a criminal complaint or an indictment; it is very long and written for the consumption of the media rather than legal professionals.

It consists of two volumes.  Volume I is devoted to the supposed subject of the investigation: the allegation of coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and any Russian in alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.  Its conclusion manifests in two lines: "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."  Given almost unlimited power, resources, and practically two years spent on the investigation, it finally proves that there was no conspiracy and no coordination.

Having found no conspiracy, the Mueller report then uses about 200 pages to fully develop a conspiracy theory.  This conspiracy theory repeats almost every insinuation made by the Democratic Party, the Obama administration, and the media against Trump.  The fake news publications are seriously cited as sources, even the articles that are known as information dumps by the DNC.  The Washington Post is cited as a source 47 times, CNN is cited 24 times, and so on (counting both volumes).  The Mueller Report also recursively cites the earlier Mueller indictments against Russian persons his team made earlier, although they were not heard in a court.  Finally, it uses coerced statements that his team suborned from Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, and other individuals during the witch hunt.  Insinuations are reported as facts.

Volume II attempts to make the case that Trump might have obstructed justice by exercising his duties as president.  Inexplicably, it is longer than Volume I.  Mark Levin called it an essay and op-ed for the liberal media, and I agree with him.

The report indicates that the Mueller team accepted the talking points of the Democratic Party and Spygate perpetrators as the final truth and didn't even attempt to verify them.  It also didn't investigate any of the multiple real connections between the Clinton campaign and the Russian government or the possibility that the Democratic Party courted Putin for electoral support.

An unexpected discovery in the report is that Rosenstein and Mueller launched an investigation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in October 2017.  It seems as if they illegally took control of the Department of Justice.  Rosenstein and Mueller are called registered Republicans.

(This seems to be a trick of the Democratic Party: using its supporters — possibly former Republicans — disguised as registered Republicans in place of real Republicans.)

The Mueller report never mentions Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Chris Steele, Bruce Ohr, or Nellie Ohr, except when quoting someone's words from 2017 or later.  To be precise, the published report is slightly redacted, and some of these names might have been on the list of witnesses, which was blacked out.  That doesn't affect the argument.

The writers of the report seem to enjoy putting a Russian name or the word Russian in a sentence with the name of a Trump campaign member, even when the only thing they can say is that that member refused an offer to connect.  Worse, even when IRA (the Saint Petersburg troll farm) accounts impersonated Republicans or the Trump campaign, Mueller counted it as contacts between the Trump campaign and "the Russians."

Mueller's team collaborated with Facebook, Google, and Twitter to misinterpret the behavior of alleged IRA accounts as support for the Trump campaign, but they failed to mention their role in Skolkovo, Saint Petersburg.  Some of the technology these companies helped the Russian Federation to develop there and to test on U.S. audiences are useful for interfering in U.S. elections.  Neither Skolkovo nor Clinton cash was mentioned in the report.  Too bad, because "Skolkovo happens to be the site of the Russian Security Service (FSB)'s security centers 16 and 18, which are in charge of information warfare for the Russian government."

This quote from a 2010 article from well known security researcher Jeffrey Carr appeared in the American Thinker in August 2016.  The concern has never been officially addressed. 

One thing is certain: publication of the Mueller report is the end of nothing.  Nobody is going to just move on.  The Democratic Party leaders, their accomplices, and their hangers-on bet everything on it, and they have already signaled that they won't accept this loss — neither the loss of the Russian hoax nor the loss of the 2016 elections.  For them, the Mueller report is a roadmap for impeachment.

This is why the wheels of justice should start rotating in the opposite direction.  The DOJ and FBI HQ served as a coup Petri dish for too long.  It's draining time.

Leo Goldstein's Missing from the Mueller Report is a bestseller on Amazon in its category.  It covers Robert Mueller's conflicts of interest, including the taboo subject of him receiving money from a Chinese intelligence front a few weeks before the special counsel appointment.  The book is available both as an e-book and in paperback.

Image: James Ledbetter via Flickr.

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