How the Tech Giants Contributed to the Coup against Trump

The role of the Masters of the Universe ("MotU") in the coup d'état is overlooked.  As long as they are in control of the internet — the main communication line in our modern society — the coup is alive.  With this control, handed to them by the Obama administration; huge financial resources; troves of private information on ordinary citizens, politicians, and officials; and most revenues coming from abroad, their power cannot be overestimated.  Even a glimpse reveals an enormous contribution by MotU in launching and sustaining the coup.  That includes but is not limited to the development of the conspiracy theories purporting to justify the coup: the allegations of Trump-Russia collusion and of Russian interference in the 2016 election.  The impact is so pervasive that its many components need to be separated into multiple categories. Here, only Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and Yahoo are considered.

1. MotU denied the U.S. government, including law enforcement and counterintelligence, access to their expertise in network and information security.

Almost immediately after Trump's inauguration, MotU and more than a hundred other tech corporations converged in opposition to the government.  According to the MSM, they were triggered by the travel ban.  Such extreme animus toward the elected administration, combined with extensive knowledge about its members and employees (practically everybody in the tech industry is on Microsoft LinkedIn), intimidated the whole industry against saying or doing anything perceived as beneficial to Trump, including challenging cyber-attribution and social media components of the Russian hoaxes.  The climate of fear in the cyber-security community was almost palpable, although not entirely caused by Big Tech.

2. Google and Microsoft put their weight as technological powerhouses behind the DNC contractor CrowdStrike and its fraudulent methodology of cyber incidents attribution.

Google endorsed and propped up CrowdStrike by investing (together with other parties) $300M in the company in 2017–2018.  Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter took it upon themselves to "protect democracy" and "election integrity" in the U.S. and other countries.

3. Facebook and Twitter falsely "admitted" Russian government interference in the elections via their platforms, manufactured "research" purported to show that it was in Trump's favor, and then widely spread these false allegations.

Consequently, when the Democrat-MSM complex hassled MotU about receiving a few thousand dollars from IRA, a troll farm in Saint Petersburg, they quickly made a deal with the Democrats.  MotU should have admitted they don't believe in U.S. sovereignty and that aiding foreign governments by carrying their propaganda in the U.S., including interference in the elections, was part of their business model.  Then they should have explained that Russia didn't interfere in the elections through their platforms, using numbers and a representative sampling of the IRA posts.  Indeed, Facebook and Twitter made a weak effort in that direction, and then they rushed to concur with the allegations of Russian interference.  They manufactured (by cherry-picking data and back-fitting criteria) "research" that the alleged interference favored Trump and amplified these claims in the media.  Later, they frequently used this fabrication to ban or restrict conservatives on their platforms.

4. Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube created an atmosphere of false trust on their platforms.  They allowed anybody, anywhere in the world, to create accounts, appearing as adult, responsible American citizens.

MotU routinely convey political propaganda, both paid and "organic," from foreign governments and political parties to U.S. audiences without registering as foreign agents.  Even worse, starting from mid-2016, MotU made content censorship and promotion obligations to the E.U.  They are now effectively controlled by the E.U. through tax, copyright, content, privacy, and myriad other policies, and, consequently, they make many of their bans and content ranking decisions in the U.S. under the direction of the European Commission and certain E.U. member governments.  Thus, MotU routinely act as agents of foreign governments, apparently in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 951. Agents of foreign governments ("espionage lite").  The social media business model of MotU makes all claims of foreign interference through social media sound plausible.  Twitter also encourages bots, and it acknowledges that it cannot distinguish between bots and humans on its platform.

5. Google and Yahoo sent false alerts of "foreign government backed hacking" to their web mail users.

In the period November 2016–February 2017, Google sent batches of such alerts to high profile individuals engaged in discussion of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections.  Among the recipients were former U.S. diplomat Michael McFaul, Russia-born columnist and self-proclaimed expert Julia Ioffe, Paul Krugman, and Jonathan Chait.  These alerts, universally perceived as an authoritative technical assessment and understood as referring to the Russian government, caused waves of panic and made it difficult to publicly dissent from the DNC-Brennan-Clapper line.  Alexandra Chalupa, the DNC contractor engaged in soliciting and receiving election interference by the Ukrainian government against Trump, received an alert from Yahoo that her personal account was "the target of state-sponsored actors."  That happened a few months before Yahoo (now owned by Verizon) announced an earlier data loss affecting half a billion of its user accounts.

Hacking happens all the time.  Around September 2016, the number of phishing emails exceeded the number of legitimate ones.  Spearphishing (individually targeted phishing) constantly occurs, too.  Google cannot distinguish state-sponsored attempts from non–state sponsored ones.  Most likely, Google didn't specifically intend to cause panic.  Its employees, incited by their hyper-partisan management, accepted the DNC theory of Russian hacking, then selected users who were most active with the Russian hacking topic on the web.  Their software interpreted spearphishing emails sent to them as "Russian government sponsored hacking," and then Google issued alerts.  These alerts served as further evidence of "Russian hacking," in a circular fashion.

Google had an additional interest.  The main cause of credentials theft in Gmail is its design flaw: the user interacts with it through a browser, like with any ordinary website.  Phishing and spearphishing weren't that easy against older email services that required specialized client software such as Microsoft Outlook.  Furthermore, Google has failed to acquire or otherwise secure domains that contain its name and are misleadingly similar to its brand.  A phishing attack is simple.  An attacker sends an email luring a victim to enter his username and password on the attackers' website, after which the attacker pwns the user.  For example, Baratov, a Canadian citizen from Kazakhstan, used the domain to provide services of targeted email hacking for a fixed price of $60.  A guarantee cost an extra $25.  By the way, I don't see any reasons not to sue Google for deceptive marketing.

6. Google and Facebook artificially prop up fake news media and Wikipedia, promoting the collusion and Russian interference conspiracy theories.

They do this with cash and web traffic.  Without that, some of the news media would have recognized that it had lost the trust of viewers and corrected itself, and the rest would fade out.  MotU openly adopted the philosophy that the public should be conditioned to trust the news media, as opposed to the idea that the news media must be honest to earn and maintain public trust.

Wikipedia is part of the fake news media -- it publishes about events immediately (news), and it usually repeats fake news.  Because it is considered authoritative by many, Wikipedia is a big force within the media echo chamber.

7. MotU suppressed pro-Trump media in general.  In addition to that, they suppressed specific researchers and specific materials that debunked "Russian" conspiracy theories.

Examples: Twitter QFD-shadowbanned the cyber-security researcher Adam Carter, who has disproved that Russia hacked the DNC.  Google deleted YouTube videos of former intelligence experts debunking the so-called Intelligence Community Assessment from January 2017 and videos of Hillary saying, "Our goal is to help strengthen Russia," obviously contradicting the allegation that Putin had motives to desire Hillary's defeat.

Suppression by MotU of conservative and libertarian media is well known, but only a few popular authors and websites attract attention, if any.  Focused suppression of debate and dissent about the MotU-MSM-DNC narrative on subjects with large scientific or technical components, such as climate related science and cybersecurity, is rarely noticed and causes disproportionately more damage.

The coup is not over until MotU are defanged and their part in the coup is investigated fully.

Leo Goldstein has updated his search engine, covering the American Thinker and more than 400 other non-fake-news websites.  Your visits and opinions about it are welcome.

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