Democrats Continue Normalization of Anti-Semitism

Democrats have been continuing a long trend of normalizing anti-Semitism in their party.

Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib had been leading the charge on Capitol Hill to deploy anti-Israel legislation with the goal of weakening Israel.  They put forth legislation to support the abominable Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, whose ultimate goal is to handcuff and damage the Middle East's sole democracy.  It's so noxious that it drew the fire of even liberal Bill Maher. 

The two congresswomen followed up this action by announcing a trip to a nonexistent "Palestine," knowing that Israel would have no choice but to reject their request. 

No nation is eager to welcome people committed to its destruction, people so hateful that they can't even acknowledge its existence on an itinerary.  Israel, a vulnerable country 33 times smaller than Texas in a tough geopolitical neighborhood, has a wise policy that prohibits BDS-supporters from entering the country.

It takes a titanic amount of chutzpah to travel as a U.S. elected official to a U.S. ally (purposely misnamed the mythic Palestine) to brazenly act to damage that country from within its own borders.  

The noxious Tlaib, whose map on her wall blots out Israel with a sticky, then made a humanitarian request to visit her grandmother.  A gracious Israel granted the request under the eminently reasonable condition that she not promote boycotts (i.e., act toward Israel's destruction) during her visit. 

Turns out, she never wanted to visit her grandmother in the first place.  Tlaib canceled her visit while attacking both President Trump and Israel.  Apparently, poor old near-death grandma was never in line for a visit in the first place.  That's what passes for integrity and statecraft in today's Democratic Party. 

Omar and Tlaib Continue Long Trend

For those who think the whole anti-Semitism thing with Tlaib and Omar is some kind of adorable third-world character tic isolated to them, think again.  The truth is that the Democrats' witch's brew of anti-Semitism has been bubbling over for years. 

So what's going on?

Anti-Semitism, masquerading as the more palatable "anti-Israel" position, has dominated the academia liberal propaganda factories that blanket America for years. 

More than ten years ago, I was working on an M.A. in international relations at a military graduate school.  Every single professor I had, all of them liberal and mostly from Berkley, were virulently anti-Israel. 

The quickest route to classroom success was to attack Israel.  What was most disgusting was just how readily the other students accepted the vomit the professors were spewing. That wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all military officers in the fast lane to the highest ranks of military leadership. 

It was during these years that I was introduced to the John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt hit piece on Israel that was all the rage in academic circles.  It was treated with the reverence that most Christians reserve for the Bible.  Liberals loved it because it normalized and provided a veneer of respectability for their blatant anti-Semitism. 

What Mearsheimer and Walt did was give anti-Semitic academics the cover to indulge in one of their favorite pastimes under the guise that they were anti-Israel and not anti-Semitic, as if the two concepts could easily be separated.  They can't.

Israel has been the sacred home of the Jewish people for thousands of years.

It is out of this fertile soil that Omar's "It's All about the Benjamins, Baby!" comment sprang more than a decade later.  I'm sure she was surprised by the backlash, since all she was saying was what most academics routinely say to their students and what she probably still hears regularly from many of her colleagues.

In the liberal circles that are now the lifeblood of the Democratic Party, that racist canard and Jewish stereotypes are so accepted at this point that they are about as controversial as saying, "I like puppies."  Omar didn't think she was saying anything out of the mainstream.

Strains of anti-Semitism entered the academic bloodstream much earlier, as professors nearly universally started identifying as post-colonialists among their many other "ists."   

As post-colonialists (a toxic philosophy nearly all humanities professors embrace), professors rushed to take the side of the Palestinians, who could do no wrong.  The logical corollary of this failed philosophy is that they all hated Israel.

Post-colonialism was birthed in the 1970s and 1980s and had completely taken over the liberal arts by the start of the new millennium.

Whole generations have passed through these academic propaganda mills and been radicalized to hate Israel.  These are the people who are now being elected as Democrat (and in some cases, Republican) politicians. 

Is it any wonder that the Democrats couldn't even produce the political will to condemn Omar's vicious and racist anti-Semitic comments when so many of their members sympathized with the sentiments?  

The primary problem with the revolting intersectionality philosophy that guides today's Democrats is that it sets up a hierarchy of grievance.  Those who are higher on the grievance totem pole are always to be believed and championed over those below them.  The whole concept is abhorrent and a direct affront to the idea that we should judge people based on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.

It seeks to incite division and marginalize those who don't warrant a rung on their demented ladder.  Inevitably, intersectionality results in horrific racism, discrimination, and outright evil. 

To accept genocidal Palestinian claims means that you have to reject Israel's right to exist.

The Current State of Play

Jews can barely live in much of Europe now because of the hatred directed against them by the burgeoning Muslim population.  National and local European governments either can't or won't protect them.  When your intersectional arguments say these "marginalized people" can do no wrong, the logical extension is that you look the other way when they persecute the Jewish population they despise.

Jewish families are fleeing at a record pace to friendlier places, many heading to Israel in the hopes of finding safety and security.  As anti-Semitism takes hold, it is becoming increasingly challenging for them to find friendly locations.

We absolutely cannot add our voice to this global cacophony of evil.  President Trump has courageously stood by Israel, and the moving of the embassy back to Jerusalem was a high point of his presidency.  He has been the anti-Democrat on this issue, rejecting the false moral equivalencies that have defined our foreign policy for so long.

It has also made the Democrat anti-Semitic explosions look all the worse.  Israel has not had a better friend in the White House in a long time.  While anti-Semitic Democrats treat Benjamin Netanyahu like a villain and openly interfere to dethrone him as prime minister (that's the "good" kind of foreign election interference), Trump stands by him.  If for no other reason (and there are plenty), we should stand by him.

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