The Radical Left: Enemy of the State or Loyal Opposition?

Barack Obama's presidency was the apotheosis of the radical nation-state.  Democrats, who sought power on behalf of self-appointed victims, became the ruling elite.  The community organizer cum president was flanked by Grecian columns at his inauguration, which since the Roman Empire have endorsed expanding political dominion.  Throughout and beyond his suzerainty, Obama gave ear to those critical of the nation and champed at the bit of constitutional restraint.

During the twentieth century, there was Marx's long "march through the institutions" due to the Western intelligentsia's promiscuous infatuation with Soviet communism and Marxist historiography.  That picked up exponential speed during the nineteen-sixties.  The streets filled with Civil Rights flamethrowers, striding feminists, and flowerpot-smoking anti–Vietnam War hippies.  Marxist professors strutted their propaganda in the social science departments of academia, and Saul Alinsky's study of the Mafia and Chicago gangs harvested his Machiavellian volume of 1971, Rules for Radicals.  This exerted a powerful influence, from Hillary Clinton's breathless university thesis, "There is only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model" to Alinsky's immortalization in Obama's 1995 nostalgic but contrived Dreams from My Father.  For both Marxists and Alinskyites, national institutions were congenitally oppressive arenas of conflict.  They were owed zero loyalty.

In retrospect, it is hardly surprising that by 2016, the radical Left's ideology (and therefore power) had conquered the bureaucracy, the educational institutions, the trade unions, the mainstream media, Hollywood's entertainment industry, the global communications industry, human resources departments (both government and private), and the progressive churches.  The radical Left had become the politically correct political establishment!  Such is still the situation in 2019.

Sadly, the victims, on whose behalf the Democrats claimed power, were kept in mothballs as much as possible.  This was necessary so Democrats could continue to wheel them out at every election cycle.  Yet the Left was under enormous pressure to find a fresh supply in the event that their victims were no longer victimized.  In the nick of time, there appeared swarms of incoming migrants from snarling, dysfunctional nations.  They were on the lookout for a handout.  They were available, and continue to be available, for Democrat recruitment.  Then, during the star-studded Hollywood years of Obama's celestial reign, the more poetic radicals gained inspiration from the rainbow and ushered in the sexually marginalized as an entirely new victim set.  Finally, the global financiers, who backed the Democrats, in conjunction with those scientists prepared to deceive in order to obtain research grants, converged to fabricate the human-triggered Climate Change Hoax, every mooted solution to which would beggar every national economy.  The U.N. and the Vatican waved their unctuous benediction and took up the agenda.  The demands of all these groups, clinging to the coattails of Democrat power, now distributed throughout the national institutions, weakened the nation's economic strength.

Why, then, despite their unprecedented political, social, ideological, cultural, and institutional victory, are the Democrats now hell-bent on destroying their legal foundation — i.e., the nation-state itself?  This seemingly suicidal path has been provoked by their frothing outrage.  For the first time since the end of World War Two, the radical Left has been challenged from an unexpected quarter.  These malcontents were unexpected because they were, according to the ideology of the Left, the very perpetrators of oppression!  These were the Donald Trump voters, who had been straitened and bankrupted by globalist Wall Street and Obama's tripling of the national debt and horrified by the Left's demolition of traditional Western values — none other than the deplorable "white" middle and working classes in the deplorable working middle of the country.

Determined not to relinquish their power, the radical Left Democrats have done their utmost to disrupt Trump's presidency, even before it became a fact.  They have lied and misinformed the public.  They have corrupted the Rule of Law.  They yearn to alter the Constitution.  They seek to abolish the Electoral College.  Yet because they own the institutions, they remain untouchable.  Their non-state actors, the NGOs (specifically the NGO empire of globalist and Democrat donor George Soros), are working around the clock to undermine the legitimacy of this administration, including the alleged sponsoring of violence by Antifa thugs, staging disruptive events to weaken people's resolve and pouring resources into anyone, anywhere who despises the president.  This is taking a savage toll on the nation.

The Left's apparent willingness to weaken the institutions and laws of the state becomes even more dangerous as it chimes in with the plans of other enemies who share that desire — notably radical Islam and the financial globalists.  The latter are stoutly represented within both Democrat and Republican Parties, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Federal Reserve and include also the cabal of global central banks and international financial institutions.  George Soros is on record as recommending that the USA ought to go into a "managed decline," presumably so that currency-raiders (such as himself) can make further billions in profit.  However, it has been clear for some time that the individual integrity of the nation within the international community has been breached and, like Humpty Dumpty, cannot be put back together again.  But surely this should urge greater vigilance in protecting the still remaining institutions, privileges, and boundaries of the national government.  Our freedom depends on them holding fast.

In addition, the border between war and peace, between the military and civilian spheres has blurred alarmingly since 9/11.  Nation-states (especially contested ones) are battle spaces for culture-centric global conflicts.  According to current Pentagon thinking, the near future will continue to see hybrid war, where conventional force is mixed up with a profusion of other strategies — undermining government institutions, sudden terror, organized violence, criminal activity, misinformation, rampant ideology, manufactured disruptive events, economic sanction, and technological paralysis — all taking place within the dense urban cityscape.  Non-state actors have access to weapons formerly only national governments could procure.  Therefore, their alliances and support networks need penetrating scrutiny.

Already, radical Democrat Islamists are in Congress and occupy other positions of power throughout the nation — courtesy of Obama's largesse.  It is obvious they cannot revere the state while their chief loyalty is to Islam's proselytizing ambition (dressed up in progressive garb) and when they continue to be psychologically enmeshed in their violent, conflict-ridden histories, which are prone to view the USA as the "Great Satan" infidel.

From the above evidence, we must draw the conclusion that the radical Left holds the nation-state and the Constitution in low esteem.  Not only is this disregard embedded within their ideology, but the state also presents an obstacle on their path to the New World Order of supra-national governance.  For this reason, radical Left Democrats have given themselves permission to take a wrecking ball to the fabric of the nation.  They have already utilized many tactics in the hybrid war arsenal, and their alliance with radical Islam and the globalists ensures that they will continue to overlook the malevolence of the former and pander to the machinations of the latter.  I therefore submit that the radical Left is an enemy of state — and ought to be treated accordingly.

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