Democrats are Serving Word Salad as their Main Course

Recently Bret Baier commented that some of Joe Biden's answers at the last Democrat debate were "word salad." Sleepy Joe's malapropisms have been well known for some time, and probably suggest on-going mental difficulty. None of us would readily suggest that his slips represent a more serious problem, such as schizophrenia, which is known for word salad.

But that brings to mind a key element of schizophrenia, and for that matter, many psychoses. We know someone is psychotic when they have a serious defect in reality testing. And while we do not expect careful scientific accuracy from politicians, who are, after all, non-player characters, their failure to demonstrate any connection between their verbal assaults and verifiable fact is telling.

At the Democrat freak-out – oops, debate – we heard from Kamala Harris that President Trump "committed crimes in plain sight." This recitation borrowed from Adam Full-of Schiff is telling. He kept that lie up as his talking point for two years, not even relinquishing it when the Mueller Report failed to identify a single crime. If there were actually crimes, why is no lefty politician listing them? Is this comment simply a sound bite echoing in a brain that is empty of original thoughts?

Elizabeth Warren declared that Robert Mueller found Donald Trump guilty of obstructing justice. Granted, this is the now discarded impeachment "foundation," but that has always been a verbalization without cognition. Mueller's report explicitly stated that they did not find the President had obstructed, and the Attorney General issued the final finding of "no crime."

Julian Castro gladly charged the President with "caging kids." Of course, all he had were the photos of a program begun under President Obama. Since that was in his back yard, one might hope that he was aware of the facts, but apparently not.

YouTube screen grab

And Mayor Pete announced that Trump has made our soldiers "ashamed" by taking away their honor. While one spec-ops soldier has made a comment after the Syrian repositioning that might support that position, most have been profoundly in support of our President.

What does this word salad add up to? The casual observer might suggest that this is politics as usual. Politicians make up whatever they want, throw it against the wall, and see if anything sticks. Then they pile on to declare that whatever their audience found satisfying is what they've believed all along.  At worst, they have neither true beliefs nor reality testing abilities. They are mindless echo chambers spewing word salad in the hope that it will yield votes, and thereby power.

The Democrats’ favorite word list includes “Nazi.” This epithet carries huge emotional baggage. After all, Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist Party in Germany. As he became a de facto dictator, he ordered the mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and others. His evil was only ended at the cost of many thousands of US military lives. But is Trump a new Hitler?

The facts are the exact opposite. Every step of Trump’s tenure has led to reduction of central government power as all sorts of regulations are wiped away. Not one racial group has been lined up for extinction, Democrat protestations about “Muslim bans” to the contrary notwithstanding. And the Nazis were socialists, the favored ideology of the Democrat Party. Of course, that’s not the only similarity.

Many more words get thrown around as if they had meaning. Trump is an “authoritarian.” That’s a polite word for “dictator.” But if we look at the Democrats, we find all sorts of authoritarianism in their approach. If you like your AR-15 …  sorry. We’re going to knock on your door and take it. Just ask Paddy O’Rourke. We don’t care what the Constitution says. Recall that before Kristallnacht, the Nazi government confiscated all guns owned by Jews. That made it possible for the Brownshirts (the 1930s version of Antifa) to destroy hundreds of synagogues and thousands of businesses owned by Jews. We’ll come back to this racism later.

In contrast, Donald Trump has stood down every time a leftist judge ruled against him, even when it is totally clear the he is in the right. He waits for the Supreme Court to back him up. It seems that in the mouths of the Left, “authoritarian” is just a horrible-sounding word. Its real definition is of no concern to leftists. It sounds evil, so we’ll use it against Donald Trump.

But the Dems demand that we pay for every person who wants to cross our border, for their schools, houses, and hospitals. They demand that we give up our own freedom of choice and submit to “Medicare for All.” The list is endless, but it gives life to Valerie Jarrett's comment after the 2008 election that it's "important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one." (emphasis added)

Since we mentioned racism a moment ago, it should be no surprise that the Left constantly calls President Trump a “racist” and “anti-Semite.” The irony of this is completely lost on the humorless Left. They think that they can loudly shout “Charlottesville” and win the argument. After all, he supposedly said that there were good white supremacists and good Antifa. This has been debunked multiple times simply by reference to the videotape. He said there were good people on both sides of the debate on removing Confederate statues. He then denounced both white supremacists and Antifa. But why concern yourself with the truth when a lie will do?

And then there’s the little problem of his family. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, is an orthodox Jew, and Ivanka, his wife, has converted to Judaism. They are raising their children as orthodox Jews. But Donald is an anti-Semite. Right.

“Trump is a misogynist!” The “Access Hollywood” tape is given as the ultimate evidence, with supposed affairs with a porn star and Penthouse model as icing on the cake. We may admit the crudeness of Trump’s recorded comments but note that there is no proof of such affairs. But let us assume that it’s all true. The acts described in the tape are consensual. And nothing in the public record suggests that he has been anything but a perfect gentleman with women while in office. And what misogynist would appoint female cabinet secretaries like Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao, Kirstjen Nielsen, Nikki Haley, Linda McMahon, and Gina Haspel?  But the word sounds evil, so it gets thrown at Trump. We are supposed to ignore the fact that Democrats demand the freedom to kill hundreds of thousands of female babies through abortion. And, by the way, over half of them are Black. The Dems are the true misogynists and racists, but why let a simple issue of the truth get in the way?

Let’s finish this off with a classic. “Trump is a homophobe!” Right. That must be why he appointed Richard Grenell to be Ambassador to Germany. And let us not forget that Trump recently called out a number of Islamic states over their death penalty for homosexuality.

We can’t finish our litany without that horrible Latin phrase “quid pro quo.” It literally means “something for something.” Every deal of any kind, including the purchase of your groceries, involves a quid pro quo. But because the phrase sounds vaguely evil, the Dems parrot it again and again.

We could go on with words like “Islamophobe,” but the Left won’t listen. If they were able to hear, they’d stop being leftists. So, as Herman Cain notes, we have to forget them and focus on saving the savable. There are middle of the road voters who may actually hear the facts instead of the word salad the Dems are spewing. In fact, this may be why Trump’s job approval is rising among blacks and Hispanics, while his overall approval hovers around 50% on Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll in the face of constant negative press.

Second, we have to educate voters about the good things that Trump has done, regardless of the charges. As Corporal Cue Ball famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Dems will do everything to avoid discussing how much better America has become under Trump. They will run far away from the numbers that show how their plans will bankrupt all Americans. Lieawatha’s statement that Americans won’t see medical costs rise under “Medicare for All” plan is a good example.

In short, Dems are following P. T. Barnum’s principle that “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Republicans must work hard to make the truth known. Democrats truly want to rule you. They cannot allow you to have freedom. We cannot allow them near the corridors of power.

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