President Trump. vs. the Media

As I’ve noted before, I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 GOP primary. However, I eagerly voted for him over Hillary Clinton (and everyone else on the ballot) in the 2016 general election. I almost certainly will do so again in 2020. President Trump has been a very pleasant surprise as President of the United States. He has a long list of excellent accomplishments that have made me even more eager to vote for him in 2020.

Not the least of these accomplishments is President Trump’s fulfilling his promise to remake the federal judiciary by appointing -- and having confirmed -- conservative judges and justices. Since 1981, when President Reagan first took office, at this point of his presidency, Mr. Trump has had confirmed more federal judges -- 157 -- that any other U.S. President.

Since what much of the left holds dear -- legalized abortion, same-sex “marriage,” and the like -- has come via rogue federal courts that have deemed themselves “super legislatures,” this is a magnificent and important accomplishment. The remaking of the federal courts may be President Trump’s most lasting political legacy.

Likewise, President Trump has been a great ally in the pro-life cause. In early 2018, Operation Rescue named President Trump its “Pro-Life Person of the Year.” Touting President Trump’s pro-life achievements, Operation Rescue President Troy Newman declared, “He has proven to be the most pro-life president we have had in modern history and has backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other before him.” In his recent book Unmasked, Brent Bozell argues that Donald Trump is “the most pro-life president in history.”

President Trump’s significant achievements also include the strong U.S. economy, sound immigration policy, and sound environmental policy. None of this means that the President and D.C. Republicans couldn’t do better in many of these areas, and I certainly hope they get the chance, beginning around this time next year.

However, there is one achievement of President Trump that is almost completely due to his own efforts -- often when he’s making almost no effort at all -- that I’m not sure he could improve on, and it just may be his greatest accomplishment as President of the United States: the near-complete unmasking of the dastardly, deceitful left-wing media. By this, I mean both the information and entertainment media.

Since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, leftists in the mainstream media, which is to say virtually all of the mainstream media have abandoned nearly every pretense about who they are, what they represent, and what are their goals.

It is safe to say that many of the problems we face in America today are directly attributable to the fact that, because of their warped worldview, the vast majority of the American media simply won’t tell the truth. This is especially troubling when one considers that the American media has lied and continues to lie on almost every moral issue debated in America.

To chronicle their decades of lies is, to say the least, a nearly impossible task. To chronicle the media’s lies during the Trump era is daunting enough! (See here for a more complete recounting.) But I can provide at least a hint of their deceit and the great service President Trump has provided us all. Virtually everything noted below is from 2019 alone.

President Trump has gotten media leftists so unhinged that:

In order to try to protect and further their myriad of deceitful anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-Christian narratives, leftists in the media (and in academia) have engaged in a widespread campaign of censorship. Google (in more ways than one), YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and the like, have all either blacklisted, banned, or otherwise tried to keep Americans from the receiving the truth.

Hate-crime hoaxes are not a completely new phenomenon, but the Trump era of politics certainly seems to have given rise to an increased number of Americans who are far too eager to be a victim in the name of bringing down Donald Trump. Universities -- which, of course, are dominated by leftists -- seem particularly prone to producing hate-crime hoaxes. And because they are blinded by their hatred of President Trump, the left-wing media can’t seem to help but go along.

Of course, “racism!” is the modern left’s favorite hate crime. So much so, that promising “Never To Tell The Truth Again,” this year the New York Times decided to rewrite American history in order to further the narrative that Americans -- especially Trump-voting Americans -- are rabid racists unfit for polite society and unsuited for political office. Almost certainly such a “project” would’ve never have happened if Hillary Clinton had been elected President.

And don’t forget the Covington Catholic Smears, the Trump-Russia-collusion lies, the Mueller madness, the gender propaganda, and so on.

If there is anything, there is truth, or, as Thomas Aquinas put it,

The existence of truth is self-evident. For whoever denies the existence of truth grants that truth does not exist: and, if truth does not exist, then the proposition 'Truth does not exist' is true: and if there is anything true, there must be truth.

The highest aim of the press should be to tell the truth. Otherwise, evil is served. It is plain to see that for a long time now, the American media have been agents of the enemy. Kudos to President Trump for shining some light onto their nefarious efforts.

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

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