Trump: An Unconventional Fighting President

"Unconventional" describes Trump from the beginning. Trump is a real estate tycoon with TV celebrity status but no official political experience in running for or serving in local or state government. With his celebrity status, charismatic personality, demeanor, organizational skill, oratorical skill, and personal wealth he miraculously managed to win an election and became president of the United States against all odds.

He fought the Republican establishment and won, fought the Democratic establishment and won, and now is in a battle with the establishment media and Deep State and hopes to win again in 2020.

Since almost his first day in office as president, the media along with the Democrats have tried to remove him from office. He has fought back for three years and overcame accusations of alleged collusion with Russia. Some of his associates like Paul Manafort wound up in jail for illegal behavior having nothing to do with Trump personally.

Trump has been accused of many illegalities such as using campaign funds to pay off women who claimed to have had sexual relations with him, obstructing justice, lying thousands of times to the public, using the presidency to enhance his personal wealth and status.. So far, no illegalities have been proven.

Now Trump is fighting against a frame-up by a “whistleblower” with political bias and an impeachment  process heavily manipulated by Democrats. There are serious constitutional questions being raised about the powers of the executive branch versus the House of Representatives. There is a dearth of legal precedent to consult in how to proceed with impeachment.

How do you make the impeachment process fair to both the executive and legislative branch? Everyone, especially political pundits, is pontificating on the impeachment process by impulse, without any actual real knowledge.

Trump expects loyalty from his subordinates. His one weakness is that he is not very good at listening to top advisers, questioning them, reaching a consensus, and then organizing follow through with the Congress. He doesn’t always seem to trust the advice of his advisors and is especially wary of the Deep State and bureaucratic leadership, especially those appointed during the Obama era. Just like during his TV show, the Apprentice, he has fired or relieved many in leadership positions and has tried to install some with hoped-forloyalty to him.

Trump continues to fight against the establishment by trying to secure borders, trying to withdraw military forces from abroad such as from Syria and Afghanistan, trying to create friendly relationships with Russia and North Korea, imposing tariffs and trying to cure a massive trade imbalance with nations such as China, trying to get nuclear and military behavioral concessions from Iran, trying to get other nations to pay more for United States military presence abroad, cutting corporate taxes and trying to get companies to invest more in the United States, and generally trying to regain what greatness the United States had historically.

There is no doubt that Trump is an unconventional maverick who is not going to change much while in office. Being very different is something the status quo establishment isn’t very fond of. Judging by the disarray among the Democratic candidates for president, it seems on the surface that Trump has succeeded in singlehandedly destroying the Democratic leadership.

The internet has atomized society and also the leadership of both political parties. A recurrence of the Trump celebrity phenomenon is no longer possible after the demise of establishment mass media which historically played a major role in presidential success. Without a mass media that most of the population listens to, it is virtually impossible for a relatively obscure politician to reach national prominence in the eyes of the public. Whether this media failure in propaganda control over the public is a good or bad thing is debatable but one thing is certain: overwhelming national public consensus on one political leader is becoming almost impossible and that is the state of the presidency today.

How this presidential battle will end is a debatable question as Trump continues to wage war in his unconventional style. Whether the Trump phenomenon is a good or bad thing in the long duration is debatable but we can be sure that politics will never be the same again.

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