New Year's Resolution: Be Kind

Why not be kind?  After all, it doesn't cost anything! For a few years, I have tried to say or do something each day for someone who has no way to be a benefit to me.  That usually happens in restaurants, motels, airports, and other places of business.  Famous Baptist John Bunyan said, "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."  That is the essence that I have tried to practice, but without the eloquence of Bunyan.  Most of what we do each day is predetermined to benefit ourselves in some way.  I will sell some books, appear on a talk show, book a speaking engagement, or make an investment decision.  Of course, each contact I make will be reciprocal, since the people with whom I interact will get something they want from me.  Mutual reciprocity is a way of life, and it is not evil or even selfish.  Even among family members,...(Read Full Article)
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