The Cost of the Opioid Crisis

Although mortality from drug overdose tragically afflicts all sections of the population, there have been numerous media articles highlighting the disproportionate toll this scourge is inflicting on the white American male population.

If a young man grows up being told by the Left’s education mill that he is despised for his patriarchal power (though he has none), that he is a rapist at heart (though he may even be shy with women), that he must yield priority to girls, women, non-white men and LGBT+, because they are morally superior – what can he think? If his father is a flawed role model, then those accusations by the ranting Left are not countermanded. If he loses his job, has not graduated from college and does not belong to a “successful” family or community, he feels the scorn of a culture obsessed with frivolous, material possessions and swaggering ostentation. And if his family does not withstand the Left’s attack on God, then he is without spiritual guidance. Any one of these factors can pre-dispose a human to protest, “Stop the world. I want to get off.” In combination, they have precipitated a vulnerability, that has given ingress to criminal exploitation, moral subversion and premature death.

The grim despair of males today has been documented and meticulously analyzed by scholars such as philosopher and psychologist Jordan Peterson and anti-radical feminist professor Janice Fiamengo.

White males -- the supposed beneficiaries of the Great American Dream -- have become canaries in the coal mine. It is not only the pernicious orthodoxy of the Left that has despoiled them of significance and dignity. There has been a bizarre shift in the shape of society over the last several decades that has spawned an undergrowth of human throwaways -- the people of no consequence, preyed upon by maggoty, flyblown drug thugs who drive their flashy, death-delivery cars, unafraid of arrest. Clearly, without high-level protection, the illegal drug industry could not survive.

As Big Pharma internationalized its operation, so did the drug cartels. And while they both established their decentralized networks, government continued to spread its giant web of Weberian intervention, fostering dependency, smothering society in regulatory verbiage and depriving us of input into how Washington policies impact the health of local communities.

Consequently, both public and private sectors have joined forces in mutual collusion. The political administration and the shadowy, narcotic labyrinth intersect at every point. As financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts concludes, the laundering of drug money is one of the world’s most lucrative industries and there seems scarcely a major bank or financial institution or governmental agency that has not been enmeshed.  

We used to believe these were “lone wolf” aberrations, but now we understand, from the recent exposure of governmental corruption, that moral corrosion is endemic. In fact, the global economy depends on the narco-dollar.

We are fortunate to have in Donald Trump a President who is hauling society back into recognizable shape. He publicly lashes the insanity of the Left. He is trying to prevent drug cartels from crossing the border, and he is bringing jobs back from overseas. Also, he is a staunch supporter of Judeo-Christian values. The drug death epidemic has been a priority for his administration from the very beginning. For this, he has been afflicted with a storm of hatred from the vengeful Left and their criminal cronies.

But one man cannot break a juggernaut. Nor can the revolving-door rehabilitation industry, despite some success, singlehandedly dry up the nation’s suppurating ulcer. Nor can the good cops prevail when their superiors subvert the rule of law. Nor can the window-dressing of government commissions allay our fear that nothing will change. And every sad addict who wishes to rehabilitate, nevertheless will not divulge his supplier, because he fears reprisal.

No child in the USA was born to end as an addict. The dead addict’s family and friends were not designed to suffer their life-sentences of grief. All boys need to be given pride in their role and responsibility as husbands and fathers, sons, brothers, workers, and friends. There is no reason this cannot be accomplished at school if we can rid academia of the Left’s rampant, invasive species of inhumane, grotesque indoctrination. At least that would be a start.

Weeds, whether they be pernicious cartels or their cowardly rich protectors, political and legal enablers, can only overrun an uncultivated, abandoned garden.

Although mortality from drug overdose tragically afflicts all sections of the population, there have been numerous media articles highlighting the disproportionate toll this scourge is inflicting on the white American male population.

If a young man grows up being told by the Left’s education mill that he is despised for his patriarchal power (though he has none), that he is a rapist at heart (though he may even be shy with women), that he must yield priority to girls, women, non-white men and LGBT+, because they are morally superior – what can he think? If his father is a flawed role model, then those accusations by the ranting Left are not countermanded. If he loses his job, has not graduated from college and does not belong to a “successful” family or community, he feels the scorn of a culture obsessed with frivolous, material possessions and swaggering ostentation. And if his family does not withstand the Left’s attack on God, then he is without spiritual guidance. Any one of these factors can pre-dispose a human to protest, “Stop the world. I want to get off.” In combination, they have precipitated a vulnerability, that has given ingress to criminal exploitation, moral subversion and premature death.

The grim despair of males today has been documented and meticulously analyzed by scholars such as philosopher and psychologist Jordan Peterson and anti-radical feminist professor Janice Fiamengo.

White males -- the supposed beneficiaries of the Great American Dream -- have become canaries in the coal mine. It is not only the pernicious orthodoxy of the Left that has despoiled them of significance and dignity. There has been a bizarre shift in the shape of society over the last several decades that has spawned an undergrowth of human throwaways -- the people of no consequence, preyed upon by maggoty, flyblown drug thugs who drive their flashy, death-delivery cars, unafraid of arrest. Clearly, without high-level protection, the illegal drug industry could not survive.

As Big Pharma internationalized its operation, so did the drug cartels. And while they both established their decentralized networks, government continued to spread its giant web of Weberian intervention, fostering dependency, smothering society in regulatory verbiage and depriving us of input into how Washington policies impact the health of local communities.

Consequently, both public and private sectors have joined forces in mutual collusion. The political administration and the shadowy, narcotic labyrinth intersect at every point. As financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts concludes, the laundering of drug money is one of the world’s most lucrative industries and there seems scarcely a major bank or financial institution or governmental agency that has not been enmeshed.  

We used to believe these were “lone wolf” aberrations, but now we understand, from the recent exposure of governmental corruption, that moral corrosion is endemic. In fact, the global economy depends on the narco-dollar.

We are fortunate to have in Donald Trump a President who is hauling society back into recognizable shape. He publicly lashes the insanity of the Left. He is trying to prevent drug cartels from crossing the border, and he is bringing jobs back from overseas. Also, he is a staunch supporter of Judeo-Christian values. The drug death epidemic has been a priority for his administration from the very beginning. For this, he has been afflicted with a storm of hatred from the vengeful Left and their criminal cronies.

But one man cannot break a juggernaut. Nor can the revolving-door rehabilitation industry, despite some success, singlehandedly dry up the nation’s suppurating ulcer. Nor can the good cops prevail when their superiors subvert the rule of law. Nor can the window-dressing of government commissions allay our fear that nothing will change. And every sad addict who wishes to rehabilitate, nevertheless will not divulge his supplier, because he fears reprisal.

No child in the USA was born to end as an addict. The dead addict’s family and friends were not designed to suffer their life-sentences of grief. All boys need to be given pride in their role and responsibility as husbands and fathers, sons, brothers, workers, and friends. There is no reason this cannot be accomplished at school if we can rid academia of the Left’s rampant, invasive species of inhumane, grotesque indoctrination. At least that would be a start.

Weeds, whether they be pernicious cartels or their cowardly rich protectors, political and legal enablers, can only overrun an uncultivated, abandoned garden.