Our Dystopian Future under Biden/Harris

"I am gross and perverted.
I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed

I am the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin' out
From your TV set…”

The above is from the Frank Zappa 1974 song, “I’m the Slime.”  Yet another example from the past warning us of a dystopian future that is now upon us if we don’t defend ourselves.

In his DNC speech, Bernie Sanders closes his first paragraph with this: “…in the midst of all this we have a president who is not only incapable of addressing these crises but is leading us down the path of authoritarianism.”  Does Sanders realize that in the first 24 months of their respective presidencies President Trump issued 36.6% fewer regulations compared to President Obama? How about the 2017 tax cut passed by Congress that by put more of our hard-earned dollars in our pocket?  Is empowering the individual “authoritarianism”?  “I may be vile and pernicious” seems to be an apt description of the Democratic 2020 platform.

Apart from the misinformation emanating from Bernie Sanders, what else could Frank Zappa have to do with our times?  If it isn’t obvious, some of the lowlights in the Biden/Harris campaign are a desire to control energy (Green New Deal/equitable clean energy future), healthcare (Medicare for all), education and guns (Biden plan to end gun violence).  Should the Biden/Harris team get elected, they will be destined to rule and regulate you.  Visit joebiden.com to read all of the delicious things that they say.

Let’s focus on healthcare, energy, guns, and education.

If we allow the government to control healthcare, they have control over our bodies literally from birth to death.  For starters, read the November 21, 2019 New York Times article, “Dozens of Babies Died Because of UK Hospital Failings” due to staff failings. It was described as the biggest maternity scandal in decades.  How about the 6,200 COVID nursing home deaths in New York City compliments of government diktat? The Netherlands endorsement of euthanasia?  Once the government controls healthcare, where will the accountability lie?  Do you want government dictating how health-care resources are controlled or do you want to control your healthcare? The idea of Medicare for All is simply a ploy to delay the 2026 insolvency of Medicare in conjunction with our government controlling us from life to death and therefore making us further dependent on pandering elected officials.

Government control over energy is control over our ability to move.  What powers your cruise ship?  That 767 that takes you cross country?  Fossil fuels!  71% of New York’s energy consumption is nonrenewable.  How about the amount of energy needed to mine the lithium, graphite, and cobalt in your favorite electric car’s battery?  Electric cars have made progress in range technology. For instance, the Tesla S Long Range ($69,490), has a stated range of 402 miles.  But a Ford Fusion gets 42 miles per gallon and costs $28,000. Only the wealthy will have freedom of movement, freedom of association in our Biden/Harris dystopian future.  Our ability to move freely will come at the expense of paying $41,000 more for our motor vehicle and the value of our time waiting to recharge the vehicle.  What happens when the government determines that the environmental harm from extracting rare earth metals for the needed batteries is too great?  Shorter range for vehicles and even greater control of our freedom.  What about the current rolling blackouts in California?  This is due to fewer gas-fired power plants than in past years to pick up the slack each evening when solar power is not available.  By government fiat, government will control our freedom to assemble via limited-range electric cars and dictate our comfort level due to government-mandated renewable energy that is insufficient for our needs.  I’m destined to rule and regulate you.

If they take away our guns, they have taken our ability to defend ourselves.  Additionally, what do you think about Joe Biden’s proposal to eliminate cash bail? Did you see the video of that sweet cherub Marquise Love beating Adam Haner in Portland?  If the police ever find this darling, how do you feel about letting him back out on the streets with no bail? Among the noteworthy points of Joe Biden’s gun manifesto are holding gun manufacturers civilly liable (that would end gun sales and our ability to defend ourselves in an era of defunded police departments), regulate possession of assault weapons (you can be sure the definition of assault weapons will change), end online sales of guns and ammunition (this is the route to place onerous taxes on ammunition), mandate smart guns and prioritize prosecution of straw purchasers (using a third party to purchase a gun -- no worries, bail will be banned!).  Defund the police, take away our ability to defend ourselves, eliminate bail and it adds up to anarchy. 

Dare we discuss the mind control known as public education?  Of the approximately 55.1 million K-12 students, 85.8% of these students are educated by our public school system.  With what are our students being indoctrinated?  A view of Christopher Columbus as a horrible individual without any overall context. Professors stating that Jesus Christ had a wife. How about the 1619 Project’s goal of reframing history?  Did Thomas Edison invent the electric bulb?  Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?  Did Henry Ford develop the assembly line?  Why was George Washington Carver known as the Peanut Man?  How about a factually balanced presentation discussion regarding climate change throughout known history?  Why were Vikings able to farm Greenland for 400 years starting in 985?  What about the disgraceful way teachers unions have curtailed teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic despite the known fact that K-12 students pose a miniscule threat of death from COVID?  What about inner-city violence that is only exacerbated by failing to have in-person public school education? 

Every election is important.  2020 is no different.  The level of slime being fed to us is endangering our country and our freedoms.  It appears the media is not up to the task of disseminating information truthfully.  It is up to us to enlighten people to the dystopia that a Biden/Harris presidency will bring. It is up to us to stand up for freedom and responsibility. Our freedoms will be permanently compromised -- freedom to move freely, make our own healthcare decisions, protect ourselves, and educate your children will be lost.  

We’ll save discussions regarding financial ruin for another day.  We need to defend our freedoms first.  Don’t do as you are told.  Vote Trump/Pence!

Image: Biden for President

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