Anti-America Americans are Synergizing Again

Wherever leftist anarchy rears its ugly head, the nearly universal response seems to be: close your eyes; don’t look!  The mob violence yesterday at the US Capitol, on the other hand, will be a tool for establishment repression of conservatives.

But for the left, the establishment attitude is: Maybe if the evil is ignored, it will go away.  And for those of us old enough to have experienced anarchist riots and destruction in the 1960s and ‘70s, it could be argued that’s how it played out.  The evil went away … eventually. 

Maybe America should just wait them out again this time?


First of all, the core elements of the movement to destroy America fifty years ago never really went away; they just went underground.  The end of the Vietnam War took it off the table as the prime reason to riot, pillage and plunder -- to burn America down.  

Additionally, strides were made on civil rights, the other front in the domestic war ongoing back then.  Progress began on righting decades of national wrongs.  As a result, riot, pillage and plunder took a holiday.  Even hard-core radicals could no longer justify throwing their late-night Molotov cocktail parties. 

Having been dumped into the middle of the mayhem when I returned from Vietnam in 1969, I came face-to-face with the anti-America revolutionaries far too frequently.  Along the way, I was able to identify five distinct, but interacting components: (1) socialist-loving “intellectuals;” (2) screw-the-public profiteers; (3) mass media manipulators; (4) antimilitary/antiauthority zealots; and (5) sanctimonious amoral moralists.  There might have been more. 

Appallingly, the same anti-America factions bent on destroying U.S. democracy back then are synergizing again.  My fear is they could succeed this time. 

Aided by the global pandemic that destroyed a booming U.S. economy, their guy got the most claimed votes on Nov. 3.  People are questioning how many were illegitimate ballots, but his claimed total was bigger.  As a result, the anarchists will be empowered significantly going forward.  They got him elected … presumably. 

Freedom-loving Americans need to grasp what they’re up against.  Freedom could be fleeting if something isn’t done -- soon! 

(1) Socialist-Loving “Intellectuals:” Since serving in combat in 1969, I’ve spent a half century inside the ivory tower.  That has convinced me the intelligentsia are the #1 threat to American freedom.  University Marxists/Leninists/Stalinists gave birth to today’s “woke” cancel culture while simultaneously administering last rites to higher education quality in America.  

Beyond that, they educate the other four anarchist elements -- profiteers, manipulators, zealots, and moralists -- to serve themselves, not others; especially, not America.  And, of course, they continually propagate more of their own … with the in-breeding generating precisely what genetics predicts. 

Pedagogic indoctrination is sometimes subtle, oftentimes not, but the brainwashing works.  Back in 1969, political correctness was merely a glimmer in university socialists’ eyes, but the stage was being set.  It took time for PC to be institutionalized on all campuses nationwide. 

You should recognize the outcomes with the cancel culture destroying monuments and dictating what words can and cannot be said.  “All” cannot be used if “lives” is the next word in any sentence.  Academic anarchists did that.

(2) Screw-the-Public Profiteers:  President Reagan once said: “Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”

One could argue that politicians and bureaucrats -- government pimps and prostitutes using Reagan’s analogy -- are the number-one threat.  However, they received their political science degrees from Marxist faculty prior to heading to DC to “socialize” the country.   Thus, screw-the-public profiteers finish below their mentors as threat #2 … #2 being apt in multiple ways. 

The pimps and prostitutes profit at taxpayer’s expense, fleecing the country they’re supposed to serve.  Logic might say the pimps are more culpable, but bureaucrats service the acts politicians negotiate.

Yes, Mr. President, that’s “a very close resemblance” to the oldest profession.

There were countless deep-state, “insurance policy” examples in 2019.  Civil servants [sic] might not accrue immediate financial gains, but covert abuses yield IOUs.

And 2020’s COVID-19 offered examples daily of elected swamp dwellers being swamp slime.  Some bog amphibians can regenerate limbs; DC-types need backbones and morals. 

(3) Mass Media Manipulators:  Few people knew how bad the reporting was in the ‘60s and ’70s, since the hacks still feigned being truthful.  Their stilted propaganda was subtle, but effective -- regurgitate bile repeatedly until others swallow it.  

That’s still true today; reporters just don’t fake honesty anymore. 

The mainstream was bad in the Vietnam era, but it’s worse now.  It resembles the Mekong Delta 50 years ago where human excrement from villages went straight into the rivers and streams.  “Keep your mouth shut” was advised when crossing or bathing in them.  That’s difficult bathing in 2021’s polluted mainstream.  

(4) Antimilitary/Antiauthority Zealots:  In-the-streets anarchists were the most visible anti-America Americans back in the ‘60s and ‘70s as they are today.  But, they’re just destructive thugs empowered by the classless classes above.   

As noted previously, “Antifa is the Weather Underground of 50-years ago, just without the bombs -- yet  Body counts and building rubble will go up when they access explosives. 

Burgess Owens remarked recently, “Whether it be Antifa, a terrorist group, whether it be BLM, a terrorist group, I tell you one thing they have in common with the KKK: They’re cowards and bullies.”  Cowards become bullies in mobs, just like 50-years ago with the Weathermen and Students for a Democratic Society.  Cowardly anti-Americans defines them all. 

(5) Sanctimonious Amoral Moralists:  Hollywood narcissists and allied windbags are anarchists-light at best.  They’ll stoke the flames, taking few risks themselves. 

They pontificated from sheltered soapboxes a half century ago as they’re doing again in the new Millennium.  One amoral old retread moved from advocating the killing of U.S. soldiers to attacking climate change but that affirmative action was brief.  Thankfully, she hasn’t contributed patriot names to any walls of late, but her zealot comrades have.

Returning from combat in 1969, I had no clue I’d be doing battle for decades with these five synergizing groups of anarchists.  My “Welcome Home” from Vietnam wasn’t thanks to them. 

Fully comprehending the interplay took 30 years, but that got me to the rank order above.  From an old combat vet perspective, #1 and #2 would categorize as strategic threats, #3 and #4 as tactical threats, and #5 as worthless threats.  The last one can’t be ignored though, since those blowholes own a bully pulpit. 

American patriots need to understand: these anarchists want to end U.S. democracy.  The conspirators failed a half century ago; they might succeed this time. 

Pre-400 BC, Sophocles recognized, “there is no greater evil than anarchy.”   

America needs to figure that out -- soon!   


R.W. Trewyn, Ph.D. has been a university faculty member for 42 years, working in central administration the past 26 years.

Image credit: Pixabay public domain


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