Want to End Electoral Fraud? Light Up the Infrastructure!

When our team broke some of the largest organized property/casualty insurance and Medicaid fraud rings, we found different classes of fraud. There was opportunistic fraud, where someone had a quick shot at a scam, pulled it off, and disappeared. Statistically, that was less than 2%.

Then there was organized auto wreck fraud.

A doctor, for instance, recruits low-income people to stage car accidents. The perp gets a jalopy, swerves in front of the Mercedes on the highway, gets rear-ended, and files a claim. So do the other 34 people allegedly in the car.

The doctor treats them all, then sends them to his pal the chiropractor, who sends them to the same attorney, same auto body shop. The same car may be used repeatedly. Medicaid and insurance firms pay the bills.

Why is this so hard to find?

Organized fraud is perpetrated against ten different insurance firms. Each has different rules and regulations for paying claims. Few of them communicate with the others in a timely manner. The names of people are modified, so William Badactor is also W.J. Actor-Badd, also Willba Actor, and literally a dozen other derivatives. Many use Somali and Arabic names, which are particularly unfamiliar to American eyes, thus making naming modifications harder to fathom.

We solved this problem for the TSA when we created similarity matching in building the No-Fly List. We know a lot about this stuff.

The solution for this kind of insurance fraud is to display the infrastructure, rendering it useless. A fraud network that took a decade to build is gone, forever.

We found a doctor connected to a small group of chiros and attorneys. We tied claims to small groups living in a poor, ethnic neighborhood, often the same apartment building. This became the starting point for the fraud ring identification. Rings were quickly broken, permanently.

Very few were prosecuted. That didn't matter. Once they were identified, tied to rings, it was virtually impossible for perps to continue a promising career in insurance fraud.

Election fraud, folks, has a lot of the same characteristics.

There are innumerable fraud techniques. Every state has different voting rules and different levels of public access to election rolls. If someone votes in Nevada, California, and Texas in the same election, it is almost impossible to discover without a central database.

If someone lives in Houston and moves to Idaho, the Houston vote registrars may not remove his name. With a real name, address, there is a vote that is not going to be cast by that person, because he is not in Houston anymore. A Houston perp, for instance, could use that name to cast a vote for his preferred candidate. Multiply this by tens of thousands.

The real voter, living in tranquil Idaho, may never know she voted for a candidate she never heard of. How would she know?

With a national electoral database, our girl would just log on and see that, indeed, she did vote in Houston, and wow, Connecticut, too! She's never been to Connecticut.

Remember all the stories about people showing up at the polls in November and being told, "Hey, you already voted!"?

Well, they did. At least their voter registration personae voted — likely for a candidate they did not support. Were there three such instances? Were there 3,000? Were there 300,000? We have no way of knowing since there is no way to track that information.

Election fraud perps built this infrastructure over decades, so every election, they have a bucket of hundreds of thousands of dead voters, voters who moved to Idaho, voters who claim a mailbox as their home, and many more living in vacant lots. The scam played on the hapless citizenry is that voting needs to take place for weeks, called early voting.

If voting were on a single day, there is no time to react when one comes up short. This is all part of the vote fraud infrastructure. Try to shut it down, and you are suppressing the black vote because you are a racist.

There's more.

Jesse Morgan, a Pennsylvania truck driver, reportedly drove a truck with 100,000 to 250,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. This is a widely reported story from a credible source.

Fraudsters cannot hide 100,000–250,000 votes. They likely did not take the time to create a different name and real address for every one of them. This will quickly show up in some manner with voter roll and ballot analysis.

Often, such information is left blank, duplicated, or highly similar. This will stand out starkly.

This infrastructure will be identified by a national database of all available voter registration and cast ballot information. The goal is not to accuse anyone of voter fraud. The goal is to identify the vote fraud infrastructure and make it laughable.

If registrars in Nevada, for instance, learned that 15,345 residents voted in 2020 while living in California, they may choose to purge those lists at last. Perhaps they may choose differently.

It won't matter. Once identified, fraud infrastructure becomes useless, toxic. No candidate is going to supinely take a loss of 4,500 votes with over 10,000 people clearly voting illegally — when their names and addresses are at hand on an iPhone.

Infrastructure that took forty years to build is now useless. It cannot be rebuilt at scale anytime soon.

Transparency thwarts the left's claim that one is suppressing the black, Latino, and poor vote. Just go to the database and say, "Well, yes we are suppressing the vote — the vote of the dead, the underage, those who voted twice, and 6,354 people who claim to live in a UPS box." It's so hip to show it on your iPhone!

Such is the product of coalescing all the available voter data into a central repository.

Since our first chat in American Thinker, we have been contacted by over 1,200 people with fraud stories. Some sent anagrams, some sent prayers, and some sent data — lots of data.

A few dozen have large voter data sets, and a substantial subset is working on collecting a national voter database.

This is an idea whose time has come. Be optimistic.

While we are just technology guys with some pretty cool fraud detection techniques, we are witnessing citizens collecting national-level data that will come together in some way as a national electoral database.

Tonight there are a dozen horses pulling at different speeds, but generally the same direction.

The key to ending organized, at-scale election fraud is national transparency of the voter fraud infrastructure built over decades.

The foundation for that emerging solution is far more substantial than any of us ever thought.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection engine and the No-Fly Database and broke major insurance and Medicaid fraud rings. Jay's websites are JayValentine.com and ContingencySales.com.

Image: tom.arthur via Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

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