A Call Out to Physicians

When I was in medical school, I had the privilege of working in a large inner-city hospital, located right between two rival gangs.  There were no emergency room residents, so trauma was handled by the general surgery residents.   As such, I had firsthand views of some significant trauma.  Each “emergency room” was basically curtains separating a large open space into cubicles.  One day, a report came over the radio, we would receive a wounded officer and a wounded gang member.  The officer was unfortunately shot in the back and paralyzed, the gang member shot in the knee, but otherwise fine.  They were placed side by side, but with the curtain open, giving more room for triage.  I’ll never forget that the officer, with a neck brace on, couldn’t move, but his eyes were constantly looming rightward, toward the gang member.  The gang member could turn his head, and he was giving the officer his best death stare, no remorse.

Someone whispered what I was thinking, basically the desire to withhold treatment and kick the gang member out of the hospital, or actually harm him.  But what we did, and what the trauma team did, was to treat him like every other patient.  In essence, we did our jobs. 

So now, in current times, we have doctors refusing to see “unvaccinated” people.  Really? That is the hill these physicians want to die on? We have an experimental gene therapy that did not go through full proper testing, underwent data manipulation so they could get their precious EUA, and doesn’t do anything it is supposed to.  On top of that, it is seemingly harming, both directly through injury and indirectly through immune weakness, lots of innocent people.  And these supposedly “trained” doctors, because they are too scared to stand up to the administration and their peers, are not only allowing this disaster to be carried out but actually arguing with patients about the purported benefit of the therapy.

It doesn’t take long to find out that safety has been shelved and replaced by profit motives.  Why is there no data safety review board? Why are the drug companies and the government (in other words, the industry) the ones reviewing their own investigations? The safety review board should be independent and beyond reproach.  This is not happening.  When finally asked to review VAERS deaths, the drug companies and government said that not a single death was from the vaccine.  That included people who went into cardiac arrest at the vaccination center!  I can guarantee that no independent reviewer would have come to the same conclusion.

I have long enjoyed epic movies, though they are few and far between.  One of my favorites is The Patriot.  In a particular scene, Mel Gibson's character is lamenting the breakup of his family, and his sister-in-law states, “You have done nothing to be ashamed of.”

The reply still chills me, “I have done nothing, and for that I am ashamed.”

You physicians who have chosen to ignore this issue should be ashamed.  It is time to get in the game, jabbed or not, and seek truth. 

Those physicians who are authoritatively forcing the shot on all patients have blood on their hands.  They should know better, especially regarding pregnant women and children.  Never in my lifetime have we abdicated testing, crossed our fingers, and said, “Well, so far, so good.  Let’s give it a shot on pregnant women.”  There was always a significantly higher burden of safety here.  The lone study done at the request of Japan showed that the injection of lipid nanoparticles concentrated in reproductive organs of animals at a very high concentration.  There are now stories of NICUs filling up with newborns with heart issues.  Recently a British Columbia obstetrician noted 13 stillbirths in one facility in less than 24 hours.  Follow-up shows 2900% increase in stillbirths in the same facility.  All mothers were purportedly vaccinated.  The American College of OB/GYN is a joke for condoning, much less allowing this to happen. 

Regarding the pediatric population, there is basically zero chance an otherwise healthy child could die of COVID, so why are we exposing the entire pediatric population to a potentially life-threatening jab?  It is outrageous for a physician to recommend these jabs to otherwise healthy children.  Again, the American Academy of Pediatrics has blood on its hands.  Through October of this year, according to CDC data, less than 700 children have died with a diagnosis of COVID since the pandemic began.  I could venture a guess that many of those were deaths with COVID, not because of COVID.  Yet the pharmaceutical industry is now calling for vaccinations down to six months of age.

I will cut some physicians slack -- perhaps they are naïve about the issue, or ignorant.  It is easy to get caught in your own work world, oblivious to the outside world.  Head down in the sand, just getting by each day, so you can have time with family and friends after hours.  But now it is time to wake up and join the fight.  You have a choice.  You can be part of the problem or part of the solution.  There is no alternative at this point.

Regarding the legal system, judges need to continue the process of halting the madness.  A number of gutsy judges have already put a halt to vaccine mandates across the country. It is time for the rest to weigh in. The media will come after you for your decision, but you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Was that just for show, or do you remember the ideals you had when you entered the profession?  You too need to dig deep, look at the literature and history, and ask why we are forcing people to take an essentially useless and investigational jab causing by far the most harm in vaccine history.

Image: Rembrandt van Rijn

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