Here We Go Again -- COVID 3.0

It’s not about the variant -- it’s about the fear. Like a magician who gains his reputation for sleight-of-hand -- getting the audience to concentrate on one aspect of a trick while manipulating another -- so government authorities around the world are using the unknown aspects of a new COVID-19 variant to keep the public in fear about their future well-being.

This chronic fear under the guise of an “emergency” has granted unbelievable amounts of power to those who the media anoint as “experts” and “scientists.” They are milking their new-found fame and perceived wisdom to make pronouncements and exercise control without discussion, debate, or appeal.  

The South African medical association chairwoman, Angelique Coetzee, has told us that the Omicron variant has minor effects: “It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two... those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. Those infected are being treated at home.” Sounds pretty terrifying, doesn’t it? 

Closing down travel and creating fear in our daily lives is unnecessary, harmful, and counterproductive.

On a broader plain, Nobel economist F. A. Hayek and author of The Road to Serfdom got it exactly right when he wrote some years ago:

Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded -- and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist. [Emphasis added.] 

One of the big lies of recent days has eroded our freedoms and put us on a collision course with totalitarianism. That lie, of course, involves COVID-19. 

Specifically, the federal government and most of the media claim, falsely, that the virus is equally dangerous to all, that we must be in mortal fear of it, that each of us, including our children, need to  be vaccinated in order to work our way out of the danger, that masks of any kind or quality play an important role in stopping the spread of a respiratory virus, and that only government action, taken under emergency conditions, can save us from destroying our health care facilities and killing untold thousands of our citizens. 

If anyone criticizes any of the officials of the CDC, the FDA, or the National Institutes of Health, he or she criticizes science! Listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH: 

Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. All of the things I have spoken about, consistently, from the very beginning, have been fundamentally based on science. Sometimes those things were inconvenient truths for people.

That implies that science is always perfect, never subject to mistakes of any kind and always free of any possibility that data might be misinterpreted or erroneously gathered. In truth, what is actually inconvenient to the discussion of COVID-19 is the realization that Dr. Fauci has lied repeatedly to the American people, stoking unnecessary fear in the population.

Medical professionals have increasing evidence of the successes of early treatment with repurposed medications and nutraceuticals to fight COVID. Yet, Fauci, the President’s chief pandemic advisor, has remained totally silent on the topic. Moreover, we have not seen a single early treatment protocol endorsed by any of our academic institutions. Why? These same institutions rely heavily on government grants to continue their work; those grants are controlled by Fauci’s agency at the NIH. In short, no one wants to incur Fauci’s wrath for fear of losing a future grant. 

As a result, no one in government authority or connected to it by dollars has said a word about the importance of vitamin D3; no one has offered a thought on the benefits of early use of nasal irritants such as povidone iodine. What about the effectiveness of early treatment with sequential repurposed medications? More silence and more fear.

Fear, in fact, is more contagious than C19/O and more useful to control the populace than the truth. It is certainly of benefit to major elements of big pharma -- an industry drowning in profits provided by big government and allied with individuals at major academic institutions.

Note this: The Great Barrington Declaration was created in October 2020 by such prominent scientists as Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University -- a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations; Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases; and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations. 

The Great Barrington Declaration recommends an approach to COVID-19 called Focused Protection. That is, we should protect those that are most vulnerable -- the elderly and those with significant underlying comorbidities -- allowing those at minimal risk to live their lives normally without lockdowns or mandates.

This declaration has subsequently been signed by more than 850,000 (!) scientists, physicians, and health professionals, myself included.  The declaration has been ignored and those who endorsed it were discounted as a fringe group advocating a risky proposition. The Infectious Diseases Society of America released a statement calling the Barrington plan "inappropriate, irresponsible and ill-informed." Yet the approach advocated by the declaration is now being proven correct. COVID-19/O with its mild symptoms seems another reason for adopting the Barrington approach.

The mask issue is another big lie perpetrated by the government in the thrall of “experts” and “scientists.” The masking policy has caused our children increased anxiety, depression and learning disorders. We have seen the highest suicide rate in teens that we have ever seen before. Every major healthcare institution correctly told us, at the beginning of the Pandemic, that masks are ineffective in keeping people safe from the spread of COVID-19 including Fauci, the World Health Organization, the New England Journal of Medicine and even the CDC itself -- until fear of political reprisals forced them to retract their statements.

Image: Pixabay

COVID 19/O is a continuation of the pandemic of fear we have endured since 2020. We get what we tolerate and it is now past time for mass peaceful civil disobedience. Let’s show our independence by refusing to abide by mask and vaccine mandates and refusing to listen to the propaganda. Liberty once lost is almost impossible to regain. We must change the trajectory of the current policy or our country may never recover to its place as one of the freest places on earth.

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