We Need A Sarbanes-Oxley Law For Voter Rolls

Numbers mean things.

Public companies use numbers to convey the health, growth, and promise of their firm. If their numbers are fake, don’t reconcile, or have hidden data not conveyed to the investors, CEOs and CFOs can and do go to prison.

Why should election rolls meet a lesser standard?

Why do election rolls fail to reconcile internally? Why do election rolls have hundreds to thousands of dead people or voters whose address is a church or RV park? Why are citizens forced to pay $12,500, $30,000, or $5,000 for a single copy of their election roll?

Why do most states (likely all) have hundreds to thousands of “voters” on their rolls born on the same day before World War I? Why do some states allow voters to use a prison as their mailing address?

Voter rolls must be given the same scrutiny as public companies’ financial statements. They are not—it’s not even close.

Sarbanes-Oxley demands CEOs and CFOs review all financial reports to make certain they do not contain any misrepresentation. Every statement must be “fairly presented.” No scammy stuff; no sleight of hand.

Secretaries of state and election officials are not required to do any of these things. So, guess what happens?

In Alabama, there are over 3,300 voters on the rolls over the age of 100. The top 9 are over 1,000 years old.

Most Americans have never met someone over 112 years of age. Just go to Alabama: They have 482 of them on their current election roll.

2,500 or more Alabama voters share a phone number, some of whom started using that number in 1972.

There are even 18 active voters in one of their city jails.

Georgia is a very religious place with over 2,500 registered voters who claim to live in a church. Another 600 or more of their pals live in a UPS Box, often calling it an APT.

We did a deep dive on one of them and could not determine if he lived in the UPS location or the Genghis Grille next door.

Like Alabama, Georgia is a healthy place to live.

Some of their voters are 260 years old. Over 1,600 of their current voters are over 112. Maybe one will become the oldest person alive.

These southern states don’t own the age thing though. In Michigan, there are over 10,000 people over 100, down from even more a few years ago. Pretty healthy up there.

Thousands of Michiganders live in a location that appears to be a church and over 300 live in that old UPS box. We drilled into one and he seemed to be a UPS Box resident—but maybe it was the Sears Appliance Repair Shop next door. For sure, it was not a residence, like a house.

If you ever visit Branson, Missouri, a very cool Ozark thing, there is a hotel where you can stay...and vote. This hotel has 15 active voters registered at its address. For fun, we called the hotel and asked how long people could stay there. The manager, who does not live there, said most people stayed a few days and never more than a week.

Visit Branson, stay at this nice place, register to vote, and vote in Missouri. Obviously, nobody cares.

Voter rolls don’t just fail these identification tests; they fail reconciliation tests, as well. Our friends in Missouri have over 47,000 people classified as inactive yet their roll shows they voted in elections during those years.

North Carolina voters are very fond of the number 9. Why not? It’s a nice number.

Several thousand Tarheel voters selected ten 9s as their phone number. For years they have been doing this and nobody seems to notice it. Why would they? Nobody ever looks at voter rolls, until now. Again, who cares?

Image: Post office boxes in Schuyler, Nebraska, by Ammodramus, edited with text. Across America, innumerable registered voters call these “home, sweet home.” Public domain.

Let’s not leave Ohio out of our chat here.

They are more into U. S. Postal Boxes as addresses up there. Over 400 registered voters appear to live in boxes at the local Post Office. One was a close call when we zoomed in on it. We couldn’t tell if the guy lived in the Post Office or the Meijer Pharmacy next door.

We found over 600 registered voters at a local university. We sorted them by age, which we now do for all college “students,” and guess what? The oldest was 103 and the next 260 were 25 and up.

In Pittsburgh, we found the same pattern—a college with 900 registered voters, with the oldest 105 and most of the 900 over 25, many much older.

In state after state, we find 25 people living in an 1100-square-foot house. That’s pretty hard, particularly if any of them have children or pets. But in every state, we have seen, they appear—in droves.

Let’s not leave out our Texas friends. In one of its largest cities, there are thousands of ballots that were changed after they were cast. It’s not a rumor. It’s not a conspiracy theory—we have the data.

We use a new technology called Fractal Programming. It runs 1,000 to a million times faster than any current computer technology. That’s why we can run every state in the country, all 3,200 counties, on a computer you can fit on your dining room table.

We don’t just run the voter rolls for the major swing states, we run multiple snapshots of each. In Pennsylvania, we do not look at one voter roll, we look at 31 voter rolls—each from a different date. For North Carolina or Georgia, think 40 or 50 snapshots.

We cross-compare every voter roll, from a different date, against every other and we find interesting stuff—like the guy in Texas who cast an in-person ballot that was later replaced with a mail-in ballot.

No current technology can find that.

We are working with voter integrity groups in over 30 states. We brought up the large swing states’ multiple snapshots and turned them over to the voter integrity groups. We’ll load the rest of the states in mid-February and turn them over to their teams as well.

This is a big system, with well over a billion records, online, instantly searchable from a phone or tablet.

There is a clear conclusion: regardless of state, citizens must constantly audit voter rolls.

America needs a Sarbanes-Oxley equivalent for voter rolls and any candidate for secretary of state must commit to the following:

  • All voter rolls will be made available without onerous fees. For you political types, that means no more than $100.
  • The secretary of state will cross-search the voter rolls monthly to identify phantom voters who live in hotels, UPS Boxes, cemeteries, and scores of other non-residential housing units. Then, remove them.
  • The secretary of state will apply a voter ID numbering sequence incrementing by 1 where any new voters come at the end of the sequence. That eliminates Wisconsin-style voter ID insertions.
  • 90 days before early voting begins, and during early voting, the list of who voted will be made available via a URL so citizens can track who votes and how many times.
  • The secretary of state and election officials will sign off on the voter roll each year and, if there is fraud found in such a roll, those election executives are liable to criminal prosecution.

If Sarbanes-Oxley is good enough for corporate management, it sure is good enough for election officials who hold in their hands the most important voter resource we possess.

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