Iran’s Desperate Quest for A-Bombs

The behavior of Iran's religious government is incomprehensible to many. For example, why isn’t the Iranian regime trying to reach a nuclear deal? And why doesn’t it seize the moment and step up sales of Iranian oil and gas when energy-hungry Europe is seeking to replace Russian oil and gas due to the latter’s invasion of Ukraine? In the background, the nation is in upheaval as its population explodes with extreme poverty and unemployment, and its loss of capital and the “brain drain” of educated Iranians continues unabated.

The mullahs' regime has allocated billions of dollars to fund its war agenda in the Middle East while the majority of Iranians live in poverty. As regime officials have admitted, if the regime fails to wage wars outside Iran, it will have to fight for its survival inside the country.

Iran's current foreign minister calls the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) a "hero," despite its terrible history of torturing and killing the citizenry. Inexplicably, all the Iranian regime's efforts in the Vienna talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal are aimed at removing IRGC from the U.S. State Department's list of terrorist groups.  

This is an ominous sign that the Iranian regime will not give up its intent to exert regional influence and terrorize its neighbors. As Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in his Nowruz speech, “Being present in regional issues is our strategic strength; it is a means in itself to strengthen the system and increase the power of the regime. How can we lose this ambition when we can and should continue to do so?”

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, in his Nowruz speech, praised the Grand Mosque of Khorramshahr in southern Iran as a “symbol of the Iran-Iraq war” for being the first city to fight in the war. "We are not trading the interests and security of the people for anything," Raisi said. "Everyone saw that we prioritized increasing the country's defense capabilities because the country's security is a priority."

Tehran is already setting up the necessary facilities and equipment to manufacture and launch missiles.

Building the atomic bomb

The Iranian regime has no intention of stopping its construction of nuclear weapons. In a message to members of the Assembly of Experts on March 23, 2022, Khamenei said that some tell him: “Sir, put the nuclear issue aside.” The nuclear issue has created “a lot of sensitivity” and problems.

But the leader insisted that if the people had been allowed to ban the weapons, Iran would be in great danger today.

The central question is a scientific question, it is our future scientific and technological progress, Khamenei said. Soon “we will be needing the products of our nuclear energy.” None of the branches of power should be cut in favor of another, he said. We have no right to cut off one of these elements of power on the grounds that, for example, it conflicts with another. No, everything has to go hand in hand. It's really embarrassing if we are suggested to lower our defense so that our enemies are not disturbed, Khamenei concluded.

According to official media, the construction of an atomic bomb impacted the Iranian economy to the tune of $2 billion (1 dollar = 0.92 euro). Consequently, Khamenei does not carry out a policy that goes in the direction of the national interest but, instead, it favors what he calls "Islamism" or "Velayat-e-Faqih." That is to say, it supports the export of terrorism under a religious dimension, which in reality guarantees its survival.

In contrast, if the regime intended to place Iran’s national interests over its Islamism, the regime would renounce its plans to build nuclear bombs.

The fate of the regime will not be decided by the still-unrevived 2015 nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). If the regime has tried to use all sorts of excuses since the start of the second round of negotiations to obtain the enriched uranium needed to build nuclear weapons, Iran's Supreme Leader is well aware that his acceptance or refusal will have little effect on the fate of the regime.

The experience of the 2015 JCPOA agreement shows that despite the influx of billions of dollars into Iran, the nation’s poverty received no relief and the people rose up against the regime in 2018 and 2019.

This time, the expansion of the Resistance Units, like France in the time of Vichy, will push the discontent to the point of explosion.

Resistance Units

These units carry out various anti-regime activities, including burning images of icons of terror and violence. Destruction of the regime's symbols -- including defacing posters of Khamenei, posting anti-regime graffiti, and inciting people to revolt against the clerical government thus serve as an initial spark for widespread uprisings. They are the guiding spirit and the engine of the uprisings.

The Resistance Units organize demonstrations and uprisings and also work fervently to ensure that these resistance measures against the regime's brutal repression continue. Therefore, the pursuit of bold actions is one of the main tasks of the Resistance Units. This strategy calls for regime change in Iran with the aim of creating active units within society and a permanent link between the organized opposition and the various social sectors. This idea is rooted in the firm belief of the Iranian resistance that any change in Iran must come from within and must be initiated by the Iranian people themselves.

There have been several nationwide uprisings that have shaken the foundations of the regime, including the November 2019 uprisings, in which the clerical regime brutally massacred more than 1,500 demonstrators in the streets. Demonstrators have been unbowed and repeatedly and openly warned Khamenei and other officials that the uprisings will not cease.

In recent months, the Resistance Units have demonstrated great capacity and efficiency. In January 2022, Resistance Units burned the statue of Qassem Soleimani, the icon of regional interference, known in Iran as the torturer of children (Syrians) in the Kurdish city of the province of Charmahal-Bakhtiari. Later, Resistance Units infiltrated Iranian state radio and television networks and broadcast the slogan, "Down with Khamenei, Long Live Rajavi.”  

Although many Resistance Units have been arrested and subjected to the most brutal forms of torture or execution since 2016, their beliefs have steadily grown. They believe in the separation of religion and state as well as gender equality.

Whether or not the Iranian regime reaches the desired agreement in the JCPOA has absolutely no bearing on its fate. The explosion of Iranian society is inevitable, and the wide and growing presence of the Resistance Units will lead this nation to great changes.

The resistance of a small number of Ukrainians against the occupation of their country has shown that victory belongs to those who have chosen to resist at all costs.

Image: Pixabay

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