Will the Grand Jury Fall for the Hunter Biden Theatrics?

On Tuesday it was reported that Hunter Biden had struck a deal with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors while his felony firearm possession charge would be effectively dismissed via a pretrial diversion — a resolution only reserved for a Biden.

In 2021, for example, fewer than 1 percent of cases filed by U.S. attorneys in federal court resulted in the same pretrial diversion offered to Hunter. No such resolution was offered, for example, to the rapper Kodak Black. According to Black’s lawyer, Black — a two-time Grammy Award nominee — got 3 years for the same offense. Black provided an incorrect Social Security number on a federal gun purchase form to buy three firearms from a Miami gun shop in 2019. His criminal record would have disqualified him from the gun purchases.

Hunter Biden lied on his own federal gun purchase form in October of 2018; responding “no” to a question that asked, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” Lying on the form is a felony. 

Hunter Biden and his gun (via his abandoned laptop computer and the New York Post)

But the Democrats want the American voter to believe that justice has been served; more importantly they hope to use this superficial ‘punishment’ to convince the American people that the Biden DOJ is fair. 

The slap on the wrist is the culmination of a nearly five-year investigation into Hunter Biden. The case wasn’t complicated. Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes. He failed to pay $100,000 to the IRS for 2017 and at least as much in 2018. Ditto his felony as it related to lying on a federal form to purchase a firearm. He lied. What took so long to get ‘justice’?

The DOJ dragged their feet on this case for years — effectively ignoring it during the 2020 presidential election. David Weiss, the U.S. attorney, who has been leading the faux-investigation into Hunter Biden, is a Trump appointee. Democrats highlight this as some relevant detail; as if it serves to confirm that justice has really been served.

During the 2020 election, Weiss took his investigation underground and avoided taking any actions that might be construed by the Democrat media as election interference. In fact, Weiss paused the investigation. Biden could have gotten rid of Weiss after he was ‘elected,’ but he didn’t. Why would he? Weiss, in his capacity as a U.S. attorney, served at the behest of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland. Garland serves at the behest of Joe Biden. 

Weiss was never an independent operator. He superficially led an investigation into Hunter Biden that was ultimately overseen by Hunter’s father — President Joe Biden. If Biden and the DOJ had any integrity, they would have appointed an independent special counsel to handle the investigation. Instead, they smartly kept a Trump appointee in charge, who they could control and could give them ‘street cred.’

This fake investigation into Hunter Biden was simply a coverup of the real Biden crimes committed — like taking bribes from Burisma. The objective was always to get Hunter Biden to plead guilty to minor offenses in order to sweep the bigger scandal under the rug and make the more important investigations simply go away. 

But why is the investigation only now coming to a conclusion? Why is Hunter Biden just now announcing his plea deal — five years later? The announcement coincided with another announcement — the court date for the Trump classified documents show trial.

The Hunter Biden announcement is theater — it’s a performance for the grand jury members, who will be tasked with putting Trump behind bars for the non-crime of possessing documents with classified markings. The only thing standing between Trump and a three hundred plus year prison sentence is a Miami grand jury. If a majority of these citizens believe the DOJ is a partisan and abusive instrument of the Biden administration persecuting a political candidate, they might be inclined to side with Trump.

This announcement is intended to persuade these grand jury members that the DOJ has a legitimate case against Trump — that because Hunter Biden was ‘punished,’ it’s only fair to likewise punish Donald Trump. 

It’s a twofer.

One — Democrats hope Americans are dumb enough that they are unable to distinguish between the more serious bribery accusations and the tax and gun crimes of Hunter Biden. The objective is to conflate what Hunter pled guilty to with the still unresolved Biden bribery scandal. In essence — Hunter pled guilty so the investigation is over. Meanwhile, Hunter’s deal has nothing to do with his father Joe. 

Two — Democrats hope the timing of this announcement will be effective at convincing Americans that it’s now Trump’s turn to face the music; that fair is fair.

But none of this is fair. If the Democrats succeed, Hunter Biden will get off with a slap on the wrist, Joe Biden will never face justice for selling out his country to the highest bidder, and Donald Trump will spend his final years in a prison cell. 

We are truly living in a banana republic. The only question is this: Will the Grand Jury see past the theatrics? Or will they become willing participants in the end of American ‘democracy’?

Drew Allen, the Millenial Minister of Truth, is the host of “The Drew Allen Show” podcast and a widely published columnist and political analyst. He is the Vice President of Client Development at Publius PR and also the Editor of the Publius National Post. Subscribe to read his work at drewallen.substack.com.


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