The Left's War On Joy

The average Western household is hardly aware of busybodies’ plans to ban or sabotage convenience appliances, from dishwashers to leaf-blowers. They also don’t know that, for years, the water flow in US showerheads is restricted so that they don’t fully enjoy their showers. In the same way, in Europe, vacuum cleaners are less powerful than required for best performance.

A recent article in the National Review entitled “The War on Things that Work“ describes a crusade by what the article calls “the Environmentalist Left” against “convenience” and against “things that work”.

But even more than convenience, the people behind the ungodly and anti-human ideology of Wokeism are after things that we, the humans, crave. “They” are after our joy.

The justification to reduce joy is often, although not solely, “Climate” or “limited resources,” but this nihilistic ideology invariably seeks and finds the rationale to oppose the things that make humans happy.

Life under leftism image by Pixlr AI.

  • Climate zealots in power harass pizzerias based on ludicrous reasoning precisely because of the joy of a freshly-made pizza to the ordinary man and woman, but no one seems to target the French Laundry. Sugar (vilified as the “white death”) is also bad for the climate as “sugarcane crops emit nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, with a global-warming potential 300 times higher than carbon dioxide.”
  • Affordable only to the aristocracy before the Industrial Revolution, red meat has since become attainable for the great unwashed. It’s no coincidence then that climate zealots are going after meat, claiming that cow emissions are bad for the climate. In Germany, the government has a plan to limit that sausage-eating nation to 10 grams a day. Holland, Ireland, and Canada are all banning food production.
  • Warm, soft, and pleasant to the touch, the Woke demonize furs, even those from farm-bred animals. COVID was used to hurt the fur industry when an incident in Denmark was gleefully whipped up for the shock value by the “leftstream media” The Wokesters even managed to belittle the memory of the real Holocaust by calling that incident “the mink holocaust”.
  • Upper-class, haute-couture-wearing Wokesters detest the fast-fashion industry because “Climate.” But the real reason is that they just hate to see working-class women and girls happy. They crave misery but for you, not for them!
  • While hunting isn’t my thing, many people enjoy hunting their own meat (or need to) rather than buying that same meat in neat, sterile packaged products in a grocery store. The Woke, therefore, have tried for decades to ban it and they constantly vilify it.
  • Who doesn’t crave a good cuppa (and the shot of caffeine)? But hey, caffeine is addictive, and it’s bad for your blood pressure! And coffee is, of course, bad for the “Climate.”
  • A recent campaign to vilify the cruise ships industry was entirely predictable. After all, why should the despised plebs have good time, eat and drink, especially when they’re hurting the “Climate.” Only the elites can have the sun-and-sea experience on their multi-million-dollar super-yachts! Unfortunately, the cruise industry itself has sheepishly taken the proverbial knee to the Woke bullies with ads about “reducing emissions” and “sustainable cruises.” Don’t they understand that the only way to placate the Woke is, well, to go under water?
  • Joy-destroyers have tried to curtail air conditioners and refrigerators since the 1980s with the unproven “Hole in the Ozone” theory and now, of course, the “Climate.” Instead of preventing the noon temperatures from rising by one degree from the already unlivable 50C (120F), why don’t the Wokesters help the poor in the Global South have economic growth so that they buy an A/C to live in a comfortable 20C (70F)? (Hat-tip to the inimitable Alex Epstein).
  • As with cruise ships, the Woke shame people who fly for holidays because of “Climate”. An advisory report commissioned by the British parliament called to shut down all but three airports in the UK by 2030, with ordinary people not allowed to fly for holidays. All that, while the enviro-crusaders crisscross the globe in their Gulfstreams, looking down on the cattle class whom they want grounded for good. No sun and sea for you peasants!
  • A source of joy for children, zoos have been vilified for decades even when compliant with all regulations—and when working to protect animals and ensure their continued survival.
  • Freedom of movement has made America the most joyous nation on earth. Not a surprise then that the advisory report to the British parliament recommends taking away your car. Even the soulless EVs are “haram” as they are “incompatible with sustainability goals.” The electric cars themselves are only one more step to misery because they have no heart, no soul, and their target buyer hates cars.
  • No need to explain why erotica is a source of joy, so it must be bad for “Climate.” Apparently, streaming erotic videos emits the CO2 equivalent of Belgium!
  • For many, the greatest joy is to bring children into this world. But Wokeism shames those who want children because of “Climate.” Many young women are reluctant to have children because of this anti-human ideology. There is even a campaign for voluntary sterilization, though it seems to lack diversity. And somehow, the one-child-per-family-inspiring tyrant Mao had seven offspring, and glamorous enviro-crusaders like Sting have six children, David Suzuki has five, and Mr. Inconvenient Truth himself has four!

Wokeism aims to decrease the human population simply by reducing the joy that makes life livable in a hard world. We must understand and resist.

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