The Suppression of Discussion Continues to Degrade Science

One of the primary aims of science, as it is ideally understood in high schools and universities, is to lift us from ignorance. 

It generally advances by utilizing the tools of reason and the critical evaluation of evidence to make explicit a more comprehensible understanding of the physical world. Such a process also includes sharing data for peer analysis in an effort to arrive at the truth concerning some matter of fact or make successive approximations to it.

However, our present quest for such lofty goals has run into serious obstacles that thwart science’s revelations and processes.  And, although these obstructions have been ongoing for a number of years, some modern scientific publications have ironically proven themselves to be one of its greatest impediments.

On July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough among other clinical specialists published a systematic review of autopsy findings involving victims who died post-COVID vaccine on The Lancet journal’s preprint server.

They identified…“678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case…Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.  A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed by COVID-19 vaccination…” 

Dr. McCullough explains that the systematic review went through two sets of checks on the preprint server and that it was getting surges of downloads.  But the very next morning, The Lancet shut it down.  The study got censored.


The Lancet’s response is that the “study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” Curiously, they don’t say how.  

Dr. McCullough says: 

“This act of medical censorship occurred after the paper met all the criteria for listing on the Lancet Preprint Server… This speaks to the importance of our findings as the largest summary of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination. Elsevier and Lancet are trying to suppress critical scientific observations on COVID-19 vaccine safety. Their actions are reprehensible.”  

The Lancet was not alone in its rejection of the study.   The New England Journal of Medicine, and The Journal of the American Medical Association rejected the work within a few days and within an hour of submission, respectively, before finding its way to The Lancet.    

This is but a small example of how the process of science is being suffocated. 

We need information, data, discussion and debate on things that have been discovered as well as of things of deep relevance to our lives.  And the massive COVID/vax - related injuries and deaths as revealed by VAERS certainly count among them.  There is no telling where the debate will lead, but at least there remains the possibility that productive courses of action can be taken to stay the hand of illness, motivate motions to address accountability, and redirect medical and scientific practices. 

Apart from some scientific journals, lack of important data and discussion continue to take their toll among members of the media and its viewers.  Recently, Fox host Stuart Varney -- believing that 19 straight days above 110 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona is the result of climate change -- is surprised that climate skeptic and journalist Marc Morano disagrees.  

“This is not outside the normal bounds of hot summer weather. Yes, it’s a record year. It could be one of the hottest, but here’s the thing… Joe Biden's EPA has a chart of the heatwave index going back to the 1930s.  The 1930s are probably 8 to 10 or 12 times hotter in the United States than anything we’re currently seeing.” 

Not only did Biden’s EPA show that the 1930s heat waves were worse than such waves today, many studies have shown that the Roman Warming Period (250 BC to AD 400) and the Medieval Warm Period (10th to 13th centuries) were as warm or warmer than today.  The United Nations acknowledged this in 1990.  But, evidently the Medieval warming period proved too much an inconvenient fact as the data was altered and, ultimately, erased

Geologist Dr. David Deming of the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy at the University of Oklahoma in a statement to a US Senate Committee of Environment and Public Works in 2006 recounts that in 1995 he received an email from a major researcher in climate change who said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warming Period.” Sadly, Michael Mann, and his fraudulent hockey stick graph, erased it by his omission of this well-documented period as well as the Little Ice Age (early 14th to mid 19 century), both of which contradicted the scope of his narrow, deceitful graph.  Such is the state of modern science. 

It gets worse.  Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University has difficulty with anything contradicting the notion that today’s weather must be warmer than anything in the past.  So, what does he want?  He aims to remove the 1930s EPA heatwave records entirely (here and here).  

The root of this corruption is as long as it is depressing. Suffice it to say for now, that the depraved hand of Marxist cultural constructivists, their wicked march through the institutions, a compliant media, the Leftist drive for centralized, absolute power, along with decades of UN plots for a top-down bureaucratic State have played a role.  Scientists relying on funding from powerful doners also continue to present a host of conflicting problems. 

Fortunately, there are many who have fought and continue to fight this treachery on a number of fronts.  Besides the work of truly informed and battle-ready warriors like Mark Morano and Tom Heller, who take on the backward forces of climate alarmism, by 2009 there were 31,478 American scientists who had taken a stand against unfounded climate alarmism and signed the Global Warming Petition Project

 “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.  Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that the increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”  

So much for the widely buzzed noise that 97% of climate scientists agree with views surrounding Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).  There is no such consensus, and honest scientists made sure to make the point.

 And in the world of medicine there are also combatants like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Simone Gold, founder and president of American Frontline Doctors, who on July 27, 2020 gathered a team of doctors and held a White Coat Summit press conference before the US Supreme Court.  AFD delivered accurate scientific data, notes on the law and defended human rights during a time when Covid fearmongering was festering the nation.  AFD has recently arranged for a new White Coat Summit this week on July 27th entitled, The Reckoning .  

So, the fight is on.  And the fight is necessary, as an informed citizenry is a requisite for this democratic republic to succeed.  

We are living in a time when degenerate and destructive forces have rooted themselves in dangerous positions of power and influence.  But, because the march of a dispassionate search for truth cannot and will not be contained, we will not forever remain in ignorance.  May those of us who love truth and freedom remain vigilant, as the dissecting blade of reason and courage slowly, but steadily, slay the dragons of irrationality and deceit.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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