You Cannot Coexist With Evil

To use an expression that politicians love when covering their lies, let me be perfectly clear: Israel cannot coexist with evil. It’s just that simple. The Apostle Paul put it this way:

“Do not be unequally bound together with unbelievers [do not make mismatched alliances with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 (Amplified Bible)

I doubt if the Apostle was thinking about our modern strife, but it’s pretty clear that he knew the principles in play. After all, God told Abraham that his heirs would not possess the Promised Land until the “iniquity of the Amorite” was full (Gen 15:16). We know from Amos 2:9-10 that the Amorites were giants. These giants were the progeny of fallen gods and human women (Gen 6:2, 4). The Israelites were to utterly wipe out all the giant clans (devote them to destruction). And before you throw that other size 9, read The Unseen Realm, by Michael S. Heiser PhD. It’s all in the Bible.

But I’m not here to do theology. The Apostle’s principle is in play here. God does not require us to wipe out our neighbors if they don’t believe in Him. And most secular moderns are happy to go along and get along. But Israel’s neighbors aren’t the slightest bit interested in coexistence. Their recent actions show the utter evil of their hearts. In spite of this being demonstrated multiple times in the past, Israel has attempted to deal with them as equals, making peace treaties that the neighbors violated repeatedly.

No sane person would behead babies (unless he’s an abortionist, but I repeat myself). Then, add in raping women in the presence of the bloody bodies of their babies, then killing the women. I don’t care who you are, this is not the act of a civilized entity. It is the act of sub-humans devoted to the service of a false god who demands obedience at the point of a sword. It is pure evil. No words can properly convey how utterly depraved such a god and his followers are. And this is where our compassion must be replaced by cold calculation.

Image: Internet meme. Creator unknown.

Lanny Davis points out that Hamas and its ilk have no interest in a separate Palestinian state. On multiple occasions, they were offered one and rejected it out of hand. One must wonder what Israeli leaders were thinking when they “made peace” on those occasions. The Muslims made it clear that their only interest was the complete and utter destruction of Israel and all Jews. That is to be followed shortly by subjugation of the entire world and the murder of any who don’t like it.

At this point, we have to ask, “How can the jihadis make it any clearer?” They hate you. They hate that you exist, breathe, and occupy space. Their religion sanctions their bloodthirsty actions. Women are possessions. If they misbehave, they can be flogged. A bit more misbehavior and they can be killed. Infidel women can then be pressed into slavery to the jihadi. That’s perfectly OK. And if the jihadi dies in battle, he gets seventy more virgins to do as he commands.

The basic problem here is simple. Israel’s enemies are evil. They are completely sold out to evil. Nothing Israel does or doesn’t do will change that. And, by the way, when they’ve chewed up Israel, we’re next. Wait! I misspoke. They won’t wait to finish off Israel before they start here. 9/11 was just one of the early strikes. And in the last two years, the U.S. Border Patrol has encountered 72,823 “special interest aliens.” Lots of these were military-age males from the Middle East. So how many got through that weren’t “encountered?”

I won’t wander off into the “be armed at all times” discussion, although circumstances are concerning. Rather, it’s time to recognize an incontrovertible fact. From the time the warlord and “prophet” Mohammed came into power, his purist followers have been an evil cancer on society everywhere. And just like cancer, there are times when radical surgery is necessary.

Hamas declared war on the world. Israel just happened to be the closest point of attack. Apologists for the “Palestinians” say that there are innocents who might be harmed by Israel’s siege warfare. But those “innocents” did nothing to leave Gaza or oppose the tyrants. This relegates their “innocence” defense to the realm of pure propaganda. Israel will make efforts to minimize the death of non-combatants, but at the same time, this is war, and collateral damage is unavoidable.

As long as jihadis stand ready to destroy Israel, that state can no longer afford to be “unequally yoked” to them by way of treaties. Just as Israel of old was commanded to never make treaties with the giant clans, the state of Israel can never make treaties with jihadis. Jordan has been wise to eschew jihad in favor of peace with Israel. The other states can as well, but as long as jihadis run the show, Israel should simply refuse to deal with them as civilized humans. No treaty of any sort can be entertained. This stance must be bolstered with overwhelming responses any time Israel is attacked.

Lefties ignorant of history plead for proportionality. Israel should give it to them. Jihadis refuse to consider Israel’s right to exist. Israel should not consider the right of any jihadi to exist. America should do the same.

Ted Noel MD is a retired Anesthesiologist/Intensivist who podcasts and posts on social media as DoctorTed and @vidzette. His Doctor Ted’s Prescription podcasts are available on many podcast channels.

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