Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

As every parent knows: you figure out which child broke mom’s favorite vase by how the kids behave, not what they say. Despite their protestations to the contrary, aren’t the Dems behaving as if they’re guilty?

Don’t misunderstand -- I don’t for one nanosecond believe that we will be hearing any cell doors slamming on our leftist army of miscreants. However, said miscreants are clearly acting as if their future is considerably less bright than it seemed in 2021.

Hunter Biden has defied a congressional subpoena, because apparently committing a felony is easier than refusing to self-incriminate. Maybe his law degree didn’t cover the 5th Amendment. Let me explain it to the guy with the Yale law degree: You don’t have to talk, but you do have to show up.

Hunter also declared that he will leave the country if Donald Trump is elected next year. He seems to think it will be impossible for him to get a fair trial under a Trump DoJ. His declaration sounded a lot like one of those temper tantrum threats from celebrities -- that they’ll deny us their glorious presence if we don’t elect their preferred Marxist. But in Hunter’s case, it’s actually something much more legally significant -- a public announcement that he’s a flight risk. That is very unwise behavior for someone under indictment.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has asked the Supreme Court to verify that Joe Biden can be prosecuted after leaving office, for any crimes that he committed while President. You know, something like obstruction of justice for telling his kid to defy a subpoena -- as Karine Jean-Pierre reports he did.

Yes, I know: Jack’s brief to the Supreme Court names Donald Trump and not Joe Biden, but he seems to have missed the fact that a court decision on the matter will apply to Joe too. That’s what happens when you’re playing checkers rather than chess -- where you have to take your jumps even if they cost you the game. Of course, it may just be that a Harvard law degree doesn’t provide any better understanding of the law than a Yale degree does.

The White House communications spin cycle is making everyone dizzy as they attempt to launder the Biden dirty evidence.

  • Joe Biden never talked to Hunter about his business dealings.
  • Make that: He never talked to Hunter’s business associates.
  • Make that: He never went into business with Hunter or his associates.
  • Make that: He never took any money from any of them.
  • Make that: He never did anything for the money.
  • Certainly, he used his position as Vice President to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating Burisma -- the company that paid the Bidens millions. But we like Ukrainians now so that’s okay -- right?

The Dems spent two years claiming there’s no evidence of Biden corruption. Now they’re saying there’s no “direct” evidence of Biden corruption. Direct evidence being a cancelled check with “Bribe to Joe Biden for services rendered” written in the memo line, and drawn against a Burisma account. Without that proof, the Dems claim this is all a political witch hunt, distracting Joe from doing the people’s work of surrendering to goat herders, equipping the Ukrainian military, and ceding our airspace to Chinese balloons.

The MSM is doing more stories about Republicans “pouncing” than about what they’re pouncing on. They’re claiming that Republicans are cheapening impeachment by making it about politics. While they’re trying to sell that whopper, there’s the little issue that Trump was impeached twice -- not based on crimes, but on disagreements. One of those impeachments was done after he was voted out of office, just so San Fran Nan could give him the finger on his way out -- like the good sport she is. But sure, the Republicans are cheapening impeachment.

Virtually the entire Democrat establishment is begging Joe to bow out of the next election. They claim it’s not because he’s a crook, but because he’s getting old. Apparently, it’s far better to be known as the party whose best is a demented old fool who was never qualified, than the crime syndicate that used a tool who’d sign anything they needed to steal America blind.

Why is everyone on the Left acting so squirrelly? I don’t believe for a minute that:

  • Hunter Biden will spend a day in jail,
  • Joe Biden will be removed from office by any means other than a horde of angry voters,
  • The DoJ will suddenly realize that they’re sworn to defend rather than destroy the Constitution, or
  • The MSM will have a sudden epiphany that narratives without credibility are received as bold-faced lies.

None of the guilty are likely to face any legal peril -- our criminal justice system is much too broken for actual justice. They’re facing something much worse -- a risk to their power. The jig is up because the mark is onto the con. There will be no token sacrifice of a few useful idiots who have become unuseful -- as they claim to have remediated the problem and continue the game. They are acting desperate because they know the awfulness of the Biden administration is awakening Americans to the fact that the whole leftist movement is corrupt from the ground up. Our emerging awareness is making the return of a disrupter like Trump a political imperative. That terrifies the Left -- as we see in their behavior.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He is a staff writer for the American Free News Network and can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

Image: Epoch Times

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