Who is Casting Pearls Before Swine in the Middle East?

The Biden administration deceives itself and others by proclaiming the possibility of resolving the conflict between Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs on the basis of two states for two peoples.

Its proposal, covered in a thick layer of historical dust and a fog of lies, has become the American operational plan for resolving a conflict that has been consistently abandoned by both sides.

On Nov. 29, 1947, the UN decided to form a Jewish and Arab ("Palestinian") state.

On May 14, 1948, the birthday of the State of Israel, all the then-existing Arab countries and Palestinian Arabs started a war to destroy the newly formed Jewish state in order to create an Arab state on the entire territory of Western Palestine.

Israel accepted the UN decision to divide the territory into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Arab countries and the Arab inhabitants of Palestine did not accept this partition because they considered the concept of two states for two peoples historically unjust and wrong: another solution loomed before them - one, Arab state for one, Arab Palestinian people.

The Arabs never had a state in Palestine, but did not accept its partition into Arab and Jewish parts, proposed to them by the British Peel Royal Commission in 1937, and later proposed to them by the UN in 1947. For nineteen years (1948-1967), the "Palestinian problem" was not solved by the Egyptians, Jordanians and the Palestinian Arabs themselves as a Palestinian problem, or rather it was not solved at all, for there was no demand for a Palestinian state.

The Palestinian problem was born after the crushing victory of the Israelis in the Six-Day War and their seizure of lands that were not part of the territory of the Jewish state according to the UN resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. The Palestinian problem crystallized envy of the victor who had formed a strong, prosperous state and the desire to destroy it, as well as the fantasy of peace in Palestine in the case of two states for two peoples.

"Palestinians" have become the "chosen" people, for they intend to replace the state of the chosen Jewish people with their own state.

The formal recognition of Israel by the Palestinian Authority is belied by the anti-Israeli education of its children and the monetary encouragement of the murder of Israelis - pay to slay. The fantasy of peace if the two-state solution for two peoples is realized expresses a genuine historical "disproportion." Israel is usually required to respond militarily in proportion to the next Palestinian terrorist aggression against it. But who requires peace fantasists to stop dreaming of the unattainable peace that Israel's concessions in exchange for the realization of the two-state solution would supposedly lead to, and to take a rational, "proportional" view of reality?

Peacemaking can be useful when both sides desire peace, but not when one side's goal is aggression and the destruction of another's state. Western peacemakers who propose a two-state solution in Palestine are thinking along the lines of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's peacemaking fantasy after his talks with Hitler in Munich in 1938.

Israel's retreat to the 1967 borders will entail a demand for its retreat to the 1948 borders and the reduction of the territory of the Jewish state at the expense of the growth of the territory of the Palestinian state. A demand to "retreat" to the Mediterranean Sea would then follow... Peace treaties in Munich, Oslo and Washington do not lead to peace, even if a Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for them. Peace between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs is a fantasy of the West, which mistakenly reads from left to right, as is the usual English reading order, while in the Middle East one must read Arabic from right to left to correctly understand what is happening. With the correct reading order, the fantasy of peace reads like the reality of war.          

The Biden administration is ignoring the historic changes that have occurred on the world political stage since the Islamic Republic of Iran announced its solution to the Palestinian problem -- the destruction of Israel.

Iran openly seeks to destroy the Jewish state by every militaristic means available to it. It preaches a one-state solution to this conflict -- without the existence of Israel. But Iran's position is not considered at all by the Biden administration as a serious impediment to the realization of a two-state solution. This administration has abandoned the fight against Iranian state terrorism and excludes its destructive influence on its plan for a two-state solution to this conflict.

The U.S. under the Biden administration believes in ghosts, in the possibility of a peaceful solution to the Ayatollah regime, and in a peaceful solution to the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews. Biden's attempts to carry out a two-state solution is bad business, unprofitable, unwise and futile. It is a major gamble carried out through petty and pointless anti-historical fiddling.

What is going on is a game of beads, but not the sublime story told in the novel The Glass Bead Game by the Nobel Prize-winning Swiss writer Hermann Hesse, but a fictional game that has nothing to do with reality, and most likely there is a throwing of beads, usually made of fake pearls, in front of pigs. This operation is not recommended by Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew, with which, of course, President Biden is well acquainted: "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Fake pearls will not solve the real problem. The story of meaningless throwing beads in front of pigs is vividly depicted in the novel by American writer Kurt Vonnegut God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or Pearls Before Swine; 1965, who urges his hero, the eccentric millionaire Eliot Rosewater, to stop this senseless and harmful activity. President Biden and his administration have other plans, contrary to the Sermon on the Mount and Kurt Vonnegut's exhortations.

The dreams, plans and values of the Israeli side of the conflict contradict the dreams, plans and values of the Arab, Palestinian, Islamic side. The Biden administration has no magic wand to bring the adversaries together and reconcile them on the basis of a Western, humane, democratic worldview at odds with the beliefs of Jihadist supporters.

The middle ground between war and peace is war. Reconciliation between Islamic terrorists and Israelis is impossible, since the former are convinced that their program of murder, looting and violence is dictated by the commandments of Allah and that they cannot recognize but only despise Western humanism and peacemaking, which in this situation remain a meaningless, dangerous and harmful fantasy. The idea of two states for two peoples as a solution to the conflict in the Middle East is an illusion, a mirage and self-deception through a liberal democratic concept that is incommensurate and incompatible with the Middle East reality.

Image: Pexels / Pexels License

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