The Amorality of ABC's George Stephanopoulos

It is probable that ABC's Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos genuinely feels he did nothing wrong in publicly assaulting rape victim Nancy Mace. His sleazy past portrays a politically obsessed hatchet-swinger without conscience. 

Last Sunday, Stephanopoulos savaged Rep. Mace of South Carolina. Though her appearance had been proposed as an opportunity to share insights on 2024's presidential contest, the devious GMA host opened the segment by attacking the victim of a teenage rape.

"You endorsed Donald Trump for president. Judges in two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming a victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw?"

With that, Stephanopoulos launched his ambush offensive. The miniature monster included numerous lies in that single paragraph. There were no juries in the Trump/E. Jean Carroll case. The former president was not found liable for rape, but rather "sexual abuse" -- that's a pivotal legal distinction.

During her retort, Mace insisted "I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim."

The GMA host purred that he had done no such thing, though all watching had just witnessed him doing precisely that.

The interview continued in that sorry vein, with Stephanopoulos attired in the gear of a partisan bully. He reiterated his Trump-found-guilty-of-rape lie numerous times, openly pursuing political interests and not journalistic ones.

"George Stephanopoulos tried to bully me and shame me as a rape survivor over my support for Donald Trump, which is insane to me, because he wasn't found guilty of rape anywhere," Mace subsequently told Fox's Harris Faulkner, per The Hill

The ABC network apparently shares Stephanopoulos's lack of conscience. The Hill article quotes an unnamed ABC spokesperson as praising the host's foulness: "George did his job by asking meaningful questions that are relevant to our viewers."

Democrats generally profess compassion for victims of sexual assault. That those claims are cynically opportunistic was made clear by their post-interview championing of Stephanopoulos and gang predations leveraged against Mace with despicable relish.

On MSNBC, Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough (sans banjo) and Mika Brzezinski, and guest Jonathan Lemire of the left-loyal Politico, castigated the South Carolina representative.

"She's not shamed because she's incapable of being shamed," chortled Scarborough.

"She was acting like an eighth-grader screaming at him," lied Brzezinski. Mace was legitimately outraged, but never screamed.

Politico's Lemire leapt into the anti-victim spectacle. "It is bad acting," he opined. "But really, it's bad faith. What we saw from Representative Mace, it was indeed, although it is impossible to shame. It is shameful."

Additional Democrat-biased media outlets rushed to join in the brazenly untrue pile-on, including online venues Daily Beast and Raw Story.

Stephanopoulos is not new to levying attacks on women victims whose traumas he calculates as politically deleterious. In 2015, a Jackson Sun columnist recalled "The little guy cut his teeth managing 'bimbo eruptions' when Bill Clinton was running for president. His job was to destroy and discredit anyone who could make his boss look bad."

Decades later, predatory sexual deviant Clinton frolicked on Democrat mega-donor Jeffrey Epstein's 'pedophile island.' This writer has never heard of Stephanopoulos condemning the cretinous 'Slick Willie' for that jolly misbehavior.

At this point, numerous questions present themselves: 

  • How do ABC's women employees feel? 
  • Kimberly Godwin is the ABC News president. Has she addressed this -- if not, why not? Might she perhaps share the effete GMA host's 'all's fair for the Democrat Party' maliciousness? 
  • Why haven't feminist and rape-crisis figures spoken out? Can it be that their decisions to remain silent on Democrat Stephanopoulos indicate they prioritize abortion advocacy over women victims' welfare? 

Just as Stephanopoulos has a reprehensible record, so does ABC. Informed observers have long known that network executives tolerate sexual abuses for the sake of political and institutional advantages. 

The network's news division attempted to squelch the truth about Democrat Party-donor Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood sex crimes. And the scandalous carnal sins of former ABC celebrity host and infamously grope-happy Matt Lauer are surely ones network suits would prefer be forgotten.

One dearly hopes the fetid Stephanopoulos and the network itself soon find themselves on the wrong end of a massive defamation suit brought by the deceitfully slandered Trump.

Stephanopoulos's apparent smug confidence that his televised attack on rape victim Mace would go unpunished would be validated, were serious professional sanctions not forthcoming.

Given ABC's sordid history, though, blow-dried lout Stephanopoulos will get away with his vile performance. Kimberly Godwin might even give him a bonus.

Iowa writer DC Larson braved his state's January cold to caucus for Donald Trump. He counts among freelance credits Daily Caller and Western Journal. His political blog is American Scene Magazine

Image: Tulane Public Relations

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