North Korea collapsing?


A report of a visit to North Korea in the London Sunday Times provides yet more information suggesting that the regime of Kim Jong—il may be nearing collapse. The fact that pictures of Kim continue to show him in the same clothing he wore two years ago suggests that he may be incustody, or possibly even dead. His birthday on February 16th becomes an important date to note. If he appears and is celebrated, then he is alive and still has some power. If not, perhaps he has been displaced by a coup.

The article states what others have also reported: that President Bush's re—election was a huge blow to Kim. He was counting on dealing with a much less aggressive President Kerry, and delayed meetings over his nuclear program on the assumption that Kerry would have been a piece of cake for him to bambbozle.

The implications of this, if true, are enormous for the American people, and for historians, too. It proves that President Bush's resolve is a huge positive force in world affairs — feared by tyrants, who embrace the Democrats. "The party of Kim Jong—il and Kofi Annan" doesn't have much a ring to it, in the eyes of a majority of American voters. But there you are.

Thomas Lifson  1 30 05