Teddy Kennedy's right wing advisor


Jack Risko is the eagle—eyed proprietor of Dinocrat.com, a very rewarding site to visit. One of the things Jack does very well is look a little deeper into the foolish utterances of public figures.

When the senior Senator from Massachusetts, Captain Oldsmobile, disgraced himself just prior to the Iraqi elections with his speech at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, Jack tracked—down a quotation used by the Senator which seemed a bit odd. He hit paydirt.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy has chosen to cite a crackpot in characterizing the ability of the terrorists to replenish their ranks. A moon—barking right—wing (!) advocate of repealing the Federal Reserve Act, ending all foreign aid and all gun control laws, and who sees "neo—conservatism" as a form of fascism.

This is the depth to which Kennedy will sink in his desperate effort to criticize President Bush, and the scare—monger the American people. Do the Senator's friends on the left wing of the Democratic Party know the sort of guy he is choosing to associate himself with? The sort of person he cites as an expert worthy of heed?

Once again, a blogger scoops the national press. Nice work, Jack.

Thomas Lifson   1 30 05