Big Brussels is watching


The European Union is run, frankly, by unelected control freaks. In Ronald Reagan's words, the EU is a government with a people, not a people with a government.  Most European nations have little concern with individual rights. Britain is rapidly losing its sovereignty, under the impact of a gush of regulations coming from Brussels, with no opposition in Parliament.

Earlier this week we heard that the United Nations wants to control the Internet — but of course the UN is itself run by European—style bureaucrats. Kofi Annan was born in Ghana, but his words might as well be channeled from Paris. The EU is steadily whittling away all its member nations into one homogenized mush. In spite of constant policy failures ——— stagnant economies, Muslim riots and scary demographics ——— the new Empire never stops expanding.  

Today the UK Telegraph announced another step toward Big Brussels:

" The European Union is building its own network of spy satellites allowing Brussels to ensure nations and private individuals are obeying its policies, it was announced yesterday." (italics added)

For example, GPS systems will be installed in trucks, so that their location, speed and gas consumption can be monitored in Brussels.

But that's only a start. The Telegraph explains that the spy satellites are designed to ensure the "implementation, review and monitoring of EU policies" including watching for agriculture and fisheries fraud and boosting "internal security". It will also "provide authorities with necessary elements for a European Security and Defence Policy."

Spy satellites don't stop at borders. No doubt the EU will also have the capacity to check up on the rest of the world, including us.

All that would be great, of course, if we could trust Europe's governing class to be profoundly wise, utterly unselfish, remarkably modest and totally benevolent.