Former Kerry advisor: Wal-Mart is good


Apparently some of the brighter thinkers among the left wing Democrats are realizing that attacks on Wal—Mart, no matter how much they please the union bosses at UFCW, are counter—productive. One hundred million Americans shop there every week because they like to pay low prices, and many appreciate the budget—stretching contribution the company makes to their welfare, and therefore like the company.

Sebastian Mallaby, writing in the Washington Post, actually one found a former Kerry advisor who sees the company as "progressive."

As Jason Furman of New York University puts it, Wal—Mart is "a progressive success story." Furman advised John "Benedict Arnold" Kerry in the 2004 campaign and has never received any payment from Wal—Mart; he is no corporate apologist. But he points out that Wal—Mart's discounting on food alone boosts the welfare of American shoppers by at least $50 billion a year. The savings are possibly five times that much if you count all of Wal—Mart's products.

Mallaby, too, sees the benefits Wal—Mart confers:

...globalization and business innovation are nonetheless the engines of progress; and if that sounds too abstract, think of the $200 billion—plus that Wal—Mart consumers gain annually. If critics prevent the firm from opening new branches, they will prevent ordinary families from sharing in those gains. Poor Americans will be chief among the casualties.

If more Democrats wake up this way, there might be some hope for the party. But I am not betting any money on it.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson   11 29 05