Rabbi Lapin and the Foxman folly


It cannot be doubted that in a world which grows increasingly unsympathetic to Israel, America's fundamentalist Christians remain its staunchist allies . The Anti Defamation League's Abraham Foxman's efforts to drive a wedge between American Jews and the fundamentalist Christians seems bizarre and counterproductive to his constituency's interests. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, feels the same way.He counters the 5 myths he says inform Foxman's misguided view, concluding:

In a spirit of respect for both him and for the traditional Jewish commitment to truth and open discussion, I invite Mr. Foxman to a public debate on this topic: Does Jewish survival lie with a fervent secularism that ceaselessly snaps at the heels of Christian America, or with a political alliance with those people who stand firm for the values God imparted to the Jews at the foot of Mount Sinai just over three thousand years ago?

One way is right and the other is wrong. Which is it?

I doubt Mr. Foxman will agree to the debate, which is a pity. For the views he expresses are unfortunately the  too common misconceptions and wrong headed thinking of American Jews and it's long past time that the air was cleared of them. Leaving them hanging allows the Democrats to regularly press for policies inimical to Israel while inexplicably continuing to enjoy Jewish support at the ballot box.
If you think I exaggerate, I suggest you take time to read the postings at conservative sites like Free Republic on the issue of Israel and contrast it with what you see on the same subject at  liberal sites like Atrios and Democratic Underground.
Or actually pay attention to the actions of the Democrats instead of their fine rhetoric at fund raisers and campaign rallies.
There never has been a President more supportive of Israel than this one, and his religious belief is not incidental to his conviction that it has an absolute right to exist in peace.

Clarice Feldman   11 14 05