Another suicidal national security leak


Media outlets are now racing each other to expose vital national security secrets to mass—murdering terrorists. US News & World Report just gave our enemies another tip: Don't store your dirty bomb materials in a mosque.

The US has been monitoring for radioactive materials in US mosques, because if you want to kill a lot of people, the dirty bomb is your weapon of choice. All it takes is some uranium or radium in a truck full of dynamite. If the 9/11 terrorists had carried radioactive materials on board their four hijacked aircraft, we would now be digging bomb shelters in our gardens.

As a result of this criminal leak of a vital program, future terrorists will be sure to store their radioactive materials outside of mosques. Now we do not know where to look.

Thank you, mainstream media. You may kill us all yet, but you will defend the public's right to know to the last man, woman and child in the United States.

It is past time to prosecute leakers and "journalists" to the full extent of the law. The US Constitution is not a suicide pact.