Dhimmitude in America


Dhimmitude is coming to America, and is already manifesting itself. Dismaying news, via Jihadwatch.com, about the behavior of the Marriott Hotel Chain, with whom we both very frequently stay, enjoying membership status in their frequent guest elite program. Jeffrey Epstein is the President of the People's Truth Forum, who tried to book conference at the Marriott Georgetown University Conference Center, only to be turned down:

'Your event is too controversial to be held on the property. This decision is based upon business considerations, as the event would call for heightened security since protestors might be attracted from both the student body and off campus. I'm concerned that these protestors might block the main hotel entrance, leading to confrontations with hotel guests and/or room cancellations. Our decision was made due to the objectionable content on your group's website. Marriott corporate headquarters did not play a role in our decision.'

The People's Truth Forum (PTF) is a non—partisan, fact—based organization founded with in order to educate the public on issues concerning national security. To do this, PTF creates panels and symposiums featuring only top experts in the field of counter—terrorism. PTF's website is no more than a news clearinghouse that utilizes published stories from all mainstream media sources. There is nothing illegitimate about what this group does or with whom this group associates.


On its website, the Council on American—Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group about which many questions have been asked about its alleged ties to terror groups, is proudly advertising its upcoming 11th Annual Banquet. The location: the Crystal Gateway Marriott, in beautiful Arlington, Virginia.

CAIR is a self—proclaimed Muslim advocacy group that has its roots in the Palestinian Hamas. CAIR's parent organization, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), was founded by Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook. CAIR itself has had several of its officials convicted in and/or deported by the United States for terrorist activity. And CAIR is the defendant in a lawsuit put forward by the family of a lead FBI agent, for that agent's murder during the September 11th attacks. Is this the type of organization the Marriott wants to permit entrance into its hotel?!

And not only is CAIR heading this 'banquet,' but its bringing an alleged coconspirator of a terrorist operation, Siraj Wahhaj, to speak at the event as well!

Wahhaj is the imam of the At—Taqwa Mosque, in the Bedford—Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. But that's not all he's known for. Siraj Wahhaj's claim to fame is that his name appears on a list of 171 potential coconspirators of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. The bombing, which resulted in the murders of six people, was part of a larger conspiracy that had targeted numerous landmarks and businesses throughout New York City. Amongst the other names on the list are Osama bin Laden, bin Laden's mentor Abdullah Azzam, and Fawaz Damra, an individual who will soon be deported for his involvement in Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

Prior to the bombing, the leader of the '93 conspiracy, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (a.k.a. the Blind Sheikh), worshipped at Wahhaj's mosque and was a featured speaker there. It was no strange occurrence that Wahhaj came forward as a character witness for Abdel Rahman during the trial against the Sheikh. He took the stand and lauded Abdel Rahman, describing him as a 'respected scholar.' Another worshipper at his mosque and convicted member of the bomb plot was Clement Rodney Hampton—El. Wahhaj described Hampton—El as being 'one of the most respected brothers [of his congregation].'

Evidently, Marriott has no fear of Jewish and Christian Americans storming the CAIR meetings, so it is a happy host to their gatherings. Meanwhile, a group which seeks to protect America from jihad is unwelcome. Islam means "submit." Aparently, Marriott has.

You can conatct Marriott here, and let them know what your think. We both are doing so.

Richard Baehr and Thomas Lifson  12 03 05