DoJ investigation of leaks


Macsmind is doing its usual superb job covering the news of the Department of Justice investigation into the leaking of information on the NSA surveillance system to the New York Times (which Mac called a day ahead of time), and brings us news that the Washington Post is also under investigation for the CIA leaks it printed. There is an ongoing series of updates, so check back regularly.

Our own ace, Clarice Feldman, will no doubt be on the story when she returns from her holiday travels, have no fear. A lot of chickens are coming home to roost, and a lot of lefties who feigned outrage over desk jockey Valerie Plame's name being mentioned when they thought Karl Rove was on the hook are going to have to eat their words. Plame was never "outed" because there was nothing to out. Intelligence secrets, on the other hand, are genuine fodder for hard time in the graybar hotel, and the precedent has been set for locking up reporters 'til they sing.

It's going to be an interesting New Year.

Thomas Lifson  12 30 05