Israel can't stop Iran nukes


World reports that the US Army War College has concluded there are too many geo—political limitations for Israel to conduct a successful air campaign against Iran's nuke program.  I discussed these very same limitations last March.

Those looking for a repeat of the IAF's Operation Opera against Saddam's Osirak reactor in 1981 are in for a dose of reality.  In contrast to Iraq's cluster of facilities at the Al—Tuwaitha research complex, Iran has many nuclear installations that are well—dispersed throughout the entire country.  Some facilities are also located in huge underground weapons factories.

Even if the IAF were able to somehow launch a few, potential one—way flights using Coalition or unfriendly airspace, it would not come anywhere near the sustained air campaign required to put a serious hurt on the mullahs' nuke facilities.

Doug Hanson  12—05—05