Merry Christmas - and don't forget to hate America


Peter Glover, who covers the lamentable state of the BBC among many other concerns in the UK, discovers that the once—respected BBC is using a Christmas Day broadcast to a science fiction series to bash America:

The Christmas Day episode of the BBC's Doctor Who is to include an anti—war message that is specifically anti—American in its thrust. A new hour—long programme is to take a swipe at Bush and Blair over their invasion of Iraq. In it a newly—elected British PM is about to have her Christmas ruined by aliens taking over the Earth (much like they have taken over the modern Conservative Party in fact).

Told by an aide that the US president in on the line wanting to take control of the crisis, the PM replies: "He is not my boss and he is certainly not turning this into a war." (excuse me...aliens are taking over the earth, and this does not mean war??). Doctor Who scriptwriter Russell T Davies is unrepentant, "It's Christmas Day, a day of peace. There is absolutely an anti—war message — because that's what I think."

And this from a government—owned broadcaster.

Thomas Lifson  12 14 05

We received this email from a reader who disagrees:

I would like to ask you to reconsider its [the above item's] contents because it was clearly written by someone who has not seen the episode. In the episode there is one line said by the British Prime Minister about not following the US government's suggested course of action to the alien invasion, and then the British follow their own course against the invasion. It is *key* to the episode that it is shown by the end that the British course of action was the wrong one and that the US government's proposed course would have succeeded.

That is, the episode is anything but anti—American and it is in no way breeding anti—American hatred.

Your correspondent has taken one comment in the episode out of context and has completely misrepresented it as a result. He also tries to extend this to slur the whole BBC.