Russia sells SAMs to Iran


More evidence of a Russo—Iranian alliance is provided by a Reuters report today.  Russia will sell 29 TOR—M1 tactical surface—to—air missile systems, which are designed to bring down aircraft and guided missiles at low altitudes.  As reported  in AT last March, the Bushehr nuclear reactor that Russia is helping the mullahs refurbish is located on the Persian Gulf coast, and is therefore a prime target for naval aviation and/or cruise missiles.  Apparently, Putin wants to make sure he gets a return on his investment rather than having the reactor end up a smoldering mass of junk.

Putin has been providing cover for the mullahs since the US invaded Iraq in 2003, and probably earlier.  Not only has Russia been providing nuclear materials and technical expertise for Iran's development of atomic weapons, but it has also provided launch vehicles for Iranian satellites  and assistance in ballistic missile technology.

Where are the 'realists' when you need them?

Douglas Hanson  12 02 05