The Free Europe Institute


It is much too soon to write—off Europe as Eurabia, however much we are frustrated by the appeasement of of certain European elites. The Free Europe Institute (FEI) is fighting the good fight. The Institute is the brainchild of, among others, Yves Roucaute, who is a philosopher, writer, professor of political science at the University of Paris X — Nanterre and a French neoconservative. 

In a very prescient piece  on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Mr. Roucaute nicely summarizes French appeasement in the modern age due placing supra—national economic alliances ahead of the country's national security.

Several contributors to AT have also been appointed to FEI committees and boards, including Joseph Ghougassian, Dr. Mohammed Ibn Guadi, and AT's national security correspondent Douglas Hanson.  Doug holds seats on both the International Board and the Scientific Committee of FEI.  His article on the current state of Russian—Iran relations can be found on the front page of FEI's website, and was also published in AT in a slightly different versionAT contributor Oliver Guitta also writes for FEI, including a recent article updating the situation  on the French riots.

Most Americans rightly condemn European leadership's inaction in countering radical Islamo—fascism, and are content to let the continent slip away into the hands of radical terrorists. This is wrong on many levels. Western civilization is a gift we have received from Europe, which extended and operationalized the roots found in Judeo—Christian monotheism. We have a profound obligation to those who came before us, and to their heris, however shortsighted the current generation may be.

This write—off also is extremely shortsighted in a geopolitical sense, because if Eurabia comes to pass, the cost in lives and money of defending ourselves will be far higher for the US than if a strong and prosperous Europe is a full partner with the Coalition.  Even a cursory glance at the FEI website shows that there is a solid freedom—loving, conservative movement on the Continent that, until now, has been largely unknown in America.  It's time to bring Europe back from the abyss.

We welcome the Free Europe Institute as an ally in the struggle ahead.