Democrats turning on each other


The Democrats are in such disarray that their constant scandal—mongering to no effect is starting to inflict friendly fire on their own ranks. It looks like it's every man for himself.

Nick Danger at RedState.Org noticed that Joe Biden was not exactly out in front defending Senate Minority Leader Reid, who may be implicated in the Abramoff scandals.

Senator Joseph Biden (D—DE) failed today to address rumors that Nevada Senator Harry Reid will step down next month as Senate Minority Leader. Reid has been stung by revelations that his political action committee (PAC) accepted more than $60,000 in contributions from Indian tribes linked to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Appearing on CNN's Late Edition, Biden avoided discussing either the Reid situation or any upcoming changes in Senate Democratic leadership.

 Reid is no stranger to scandal, having been the subject of a 1979 Justice Department probe into allegations that Reid — then Nevada Gaming Commission chairman — had received bribes through mob lawyer Oscar Goodman and Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown. The probe officially cleared Reid, but he subsequently received numerous contributions from gambling industry figures, including Brown. [snip]

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, appearing on Fox News Sunday, made no announcements concerning Reid's status, but did comment on the growing controversy.

Moderator Chris Wallace asked Dean, "if we find that there were some Democrats who wrote letters on behalf of some of the Indian tribes that Abramoff represented, then what do you say, sir?"

Without mentioning Reid by name, Dean replied, "That's a big problem. And those Democrats are in trouble. And they should be in trouble."

Dean has plenty of his own problems to worry about. He isn't going to earn any friends among Democrat loyalists with this sort of comment.

Ed Lasky  1 30 06

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