Hollyood by the (dismal) numbers


After reading Cinnamon Stillwell's article Hollywood's Propaganda Binge,  I looked up the Golden Globe nominees on the website boxofficemofo.com. With the exception of the excellent Johnny Cash biography Walk the Line (18th highest gross), the major award winners have made little impact. The rest stretch from Syrianna (#42) to Transamerica (#241 on the strentgh of a half million dollar total gross).

In Among the larger group of nominees, only two other films were among the top 20 box office leaders of 2005. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory garnered a nomination for the ever eccentric Johnny Depp while King Kong was nominated for best director but not best picture. Some of this can be explained by late December release dates, like Woody Allen's Match Point, but most were firmly rejected at the box office, sometimes in the teeth of determined marketing efforts. 
I note the TV ads I've seen for Brokeback Mountain on cable TV home improvement shows feature the actors kissing actresses, not each other.

Rosslyn Smith  1 18 06 

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