Hugo Chavez, the socialist Jew-hater


As blogger Alex Beech first reported, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is an unusually virulent anti—Semite, openly courting the newly enboldened Islamofascist regime in Iran, and along with them, spewing savage views about the West that culminate in his hatred of Judaism. His Christmas Eve remarks are a perfect example of his thinking:

Christmas is a rebellious, revolutionary, socialist Christ...the descendants of those who crucified Christ have taken ownership of the riches of the world, and they have concentrated it in a small number of hands." [emphasis added]

Chavez said he was "decided" to change history, and he said that every day, he is joined by a "greater quantity of Chiefs of State and leaders in that struggle."

Since then, we have learned that his handlers have made a concerted effort to spin the remarks or delete them from the record, as shown by Miguel Octavio here and here.  Miguel also documents the long history  of anti—Semitism in Chavez's thinking, showing conclusively that this no slip of the tongue, but a reflection of Chavez's thinking.

But try as they are doing to cover this up, this hasn't gone unnoticed in the Jewish media  or by the Wiesenthal Center, which knows all too well what Chavez means when he says what he says.

Miguel wants to know where the rest of the media is,  on this very newsworthy story:

...why the collusion by the press? Why is it that this incredibly offensive and insensitive remarks by the Venezuelan President have had no repercussion in the Venezuelan press? Why hasn't the world press communicated these remarks by the hero of the people? You tell me...

A.M. Mora y Leon 01 05 06

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