NYT's Risen praises Bush (!)


Fluffy Bunnies, Rainbows & Unicorns cites the prologue of James Risen's book, State of War : The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration and frankly, I think it makes the President look great:

"The ease with which the Bush administration has been able to overcome bureaucratic resistance throughout the government has revealed the weaknesses of both the military's officer corps and the nation's intelligence community. In very different ways, the army and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have traditionally served as gravitational forces supporting the status quo. Dominated by career professionals, both institutions abhor sudden change and tend to force policy towards the middle."

Unless, of course, you think, as Risen unaccountably seems to, that bureaucratic inertia in the military and intelligence services is a good thing in wartime.
Clarice Feldman 1 04 06

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