Oily George and Uday in the UK Sun


The London Sun today publishes two stunning pictures from a video of British Member of Parliament George Galloway meeting with Uday Hussein, the sadistic son of Saddam, who was killed in a shootout with US troops in July of 2003.

In the video, the Sun reports, Galloway

"GREETS Uday like an old friend, shaking his hand and twice calling him 'Excellency'.

JOKES with his pal about losing weight, going bald and failing to give up smoking cigars.

ORDERS watching journalists not to publish parts of their conversation."

The Sun is  unquestionably a tabloid, which gives it permission to call the murderous Uday "evil," something no "respectable" British newspaper would ever allow itself to do.

In an jarring paradox, the UK Daily Telegraph, a leading Conservative paper, just lost to George Galloway in its attempt to appeal an adverse libel judgment in reporting documents it discovered in Baghdad after the war, implicating Galloway in Saddam's Oil—for—Food corruption. Galloway sued the Telegraph and won, because the newspaper drew an inference from its evidence that Galloway was getting money from Saddam. The Telegraph is now making its final appeal to the House of Lords. If it fails, the paper will be forced to pay Galloway more than $200,000 for telling what appears to be the truth about his utterly sleazy dealings.

But the tabloid Sun is able to say it like it is, simply because it calls evil, "evil."

In a related development, Galloway may be finally charged for criminal fraud in the Oil—for—Food scandal, by the British Serious Frauds Office.

To top it all off, Oily George has been making scandalous  headlines in the British press by appearing on a "reality" game show called Big Brother, crawling on all fours and licking milk from the hands of a has—been actress.

"Galloway has been seen prancing around the house in a shiny red bodysuit and a Count Dracula outfit as part of tasks being set the contestants."

You couldn't make this stuff up.

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