NYT comes "crawling back"


William Grimes writes in the New York Times:

WE came crawling back, of course. Is anyone out there skipping over the Burgundies on the wine list and, just to twist the knife a littler harder, opting for a tangy Finger Lakes Riesling instead? Does a trip to historic Valley Forge still seem like a better idea than a week in the Dordogne? I personally have returned to Camembert and oisses after an unsuccessful attempt to love the carefully matured, individually wrapped cheeses from the caves of Kraft.

"Crawling back," indeed. It is the Times which crawls back sucking up for the favor of its ally in anti—Americanism. Phooey.

I was delighted to learn a few days ago from my local wine merchant, where I was picking up some excellent Oregon Riesling and Spanish white, that a great many of his customers —— even here on the very blue Upper East Side of Manhattan —— are still refusing to buy any French bottles.

Dick  Weltz   2 04 06

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