Google censors China, carries Muslim Terror TV


Olivier Guitta of the Counterterrorism blog notes that Google has agreed to filter out Chinese websites that Beijing doesn't like — like religious sites. But Google think's it's hunky—dory to carry Al Manar TV ***in its news section,*** brought to you by your friends at Hizbullah, even though the US Government has designated it a "Specially Designated Terrorist Entity." That means that persons or entities in the US are legally "forbidden to engage with them." Writes Guitta:

"The Shia TV network Al Manar of the Lebanese terrorist group Hizbullah was placed on March 23 on the Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entities (SDGT) list of the US Treasury...

This occured after the December 2004 move by the State Department to place Al Manar on the terrorist exclusion list and France's decision to ban Al Manar as well.

Now that two of the most important branches of the US government consider Al Manar a terrorist entity and forbid therefore persons or entities in the US to engage with them, why is Google still carrying them? Indeed, as of today, Google still carries Al Manar in its news section.

What would entice such a prominent US company to collaborate with a sworn enemy of our country?"

"Do no evil" is Google's in—house slogan. Google has a very strange, indeed an incomprehensible idea of "no evil." No doubt Muslim Terror TV will soon be broadcasting over the web, and Google will list it in tomorrow's TV Guide.

James Lewis   4 9 06

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