Churches: Israel is Evil AND Stupid


You might have thought that the World Council of Churches thinks of Israel as simply Evil ——— a kind of mean, sadistic nation of smartypants J—people. But apparently not. No, Israel is Evil and also Stupid. According to George Conger in the Jerusalem Post,

Israel bears the burden of responsibility for the present crisis in the Middle East, the World Council of Churches has announced, following a meeting of its Executive Committee in Geneva from May 16—19.

The Christian Left's leading ecumenical organization stated Israel's actions towards the Palestinians "cannot be justified morally, legally or even politically."

How's that for even—handed objectivity? By saying that Israel's actions "cannot be justified ... politically" the WCC means that Israel would be safer by surrendering to its enemies. That is to say, the Israelis are merely being stupid by not surrendering to Hamas. Six million Jews who have been fighting for their lives and their families for sixty years don't see what's obvious to the Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches.

The obvious answer is: Well, why not show Israel how to make peace? For example, the Executive Committee might travel to Iraq and try the same stunt as the four Christian activists who went to bring peace to Iraq, were promptly kidnapped for money , and came back having learned absolutely nothing. (Except for one poor fool who had his head cut off for his trouble.) We now know that Western nations have paid 45 million dollars to Iraq's kidnapping industry, thereby keeping the incentive alive for more kidnappings.

Unlike the Churches of Marx, traditional Churches know all aboutspiritual pride — a public show of holiness amidst the reality of, well, self—serving ego. The WCC is Exhibit A for spiritual arrogance. The Churches of the Left long ago lost their faith, and in its place, they worship their own progressiveness. But spiritual pride leads to moral blindness. It's totally consistent: The Left always makes things worse while parading itself before the world. Just look at the record from Stalin (who wanted to be a Russian Orthodox Priest) to Jimmy Carter (who just condemned Israel for withdrawing from Gaza).

One can make a historical case that it has always been the WCC types to fall for bloody tyranny and transparent lies, just as today they support and cheer on suicide bombers against innocent men, women and children who want nothing more than peace — of the real kind.

WCC has therefore become just another front for the Looney Left, the Democrats and the media ——— certainly not for religious humbleness, as that term has been understood for millenia. And the light shone in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

James Lewis   5 22 06

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