Hirsi Ali to the US


Aayan Hirsi Ali, the brave Dutch legislator who worked with the slain film director Van Gogh ,is leaving Holland and coming to the US to work with AEI. Holland's loss is America's gain: She is a  brilliant, beautiful opponent of Islamofascism.  
YARGB  poster  Chuck notes "This all reminds me a bit of the 1930's. Will the American think tanks play the same role as the University in Exile?"   
I hope so. As in the 1930's Europe is on the frontline of a pending disaster and we must rescue those who need rescuing.
Clarice Feldman    5 15 06

Thomas Lifson adds: Rather than rallying around her when she was threatened, residents of her apartment building wanted her out. The Dutch have not exactly risen to the challenge of Islamofascism. A very bad portent.

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