Libby hearing transcript posted


For those keeping up with the case, Tom Maguire has posted the transcript of the little—reported May 5, 2003 hearing in the Libby case, along with some highlights from it. One of those highlights is that Marc Grossman (Under Secretary for Political Affairs from 2001 to 2005) attended school with Ambassador Munchausen, Joe Wilson, and had worked with him for years. Yet Grossman seems to have been less than candid with Libby respecting his knowledge of the Ambassador's wife.

As Grossman is reportedly the person who told the press that the White House "outed" Plame in revenge for his report, that detail seems significant. And as his then—boss Richard Armitage is widely believed to be the source of the leak to Bob Novak and Robert Woodward, his  time on the witness stand should be interesting.
Clarice Feldman   5 12 06

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